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发布时间:2018-02-23 13:12

  本文关键词: 高中生 抑郁倾向 听力策略 听力水平 相关性 出处:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,情感因素引起了越来越多研究者的关注。焦虑,作为最关键的情感因素之一,在外语学习中起着举足轻重的作用。前期有关焦虑和听力策略之间的相关性研究,普遍发现它们之间呈明显负相关。另一个情感因素,抑郁倾向被大量心理学家所研究,研究发现抑郁倾向广泛发生于青少年,并且对他们的记忆和注意力有很大影响。记忆损害和集中注意力困难都是抑郁倾向的症状且都不利于语言学习,尤其影响听力学习,因为它需要立即反应和强大的注意力。然而,抑郁倾向被归属于心理学领域,在语言学界一直被忽视。学习策略的大量研究结果表明,可以训练学生的语言策略,培养他们运用有效学习策略,成为更高效、主动性更强的语言学习者。听力策略也随之备受关注,大量研究关注焦虑与听力策略之间的相关性,但鲜少有关注抑郁倾向与听力策略相关性的研究。本论文对高中生抑郁倾向和听力策略的相关性做了实证研究,尝试探索减少抑郁倾向的程度,希望该研究发现能够为相关研究提供一些真实可信的数据参考和研究借鉴。本研究主要围绕以下问题展开:(1)被调查的高中生抑郁倾向的总体状况如何?(2)被调查的高中生听力策略使用情况如何?具有什么特征?(3)被调查的高中生抑郁倾向与听力策略的使用情况和听力水平之间是否存在相关?存在什么样的相关?本研究采用了以定量为主、定性为辅的实证研究方法。以定量数据为依据,研究抑郁倾向的总体情况、听力策略使用情况、抑郁倾向、英语听力策略与听力水平之间的相关性情况。定性数据则进一步补充说明了造成抑郁倾向的深层次原因和抑郁倾向对听力策略的影响。本文以阳光中学四个班180名高三学生作为研究参与对象,采用问卷调查的方式收集定量研究数据,所使用的研究工具包括研究对象背景信息调查问卷、英语听力策略调查问卷和抑郁自评量表。所得到的定量数据用SPSS 19.0软件统计,使用了信度分析、描述性统计、皮尔逊相关分析及独立样本T检验进行数据统计分析。本研究发现:(1)大多数被调查学生普遍存在抑郁倾向,低抑郁倾向组人数达到33.1%,中抑郁倾向人数占21.1%,而高抑郁倾向组的人数占8.6%。(2)该校高中生听力策略使用频率从高到低依次为:社会情感策略,认知策略,元认知策略。(3)抑郁倾向对听力策略的使用情况与听力水平有影响,呈明显负相关性,其影响的程度由高到低依次为:元认知策略,社会情感策略,认知策略。结果显示,学生听力策略使用频度越高,学生听力水平也越高,听力成绩也越好。该研究结果表明,学生通过降低抑郁倾向程度,能够提高听力理解策略的使用频率,从而提高听力水平与成绩。教师可以通过一些方法帮助学生降低抑郁倾向并训练学生采用有效的听力策略。该结果对英语教师和教学有一定的启示。
[Abstract]:In recent years, affective factors have attracted more and more attention of researchers. Anxiety, as one of the most important affective factors, plays an important role in foreign language learning. It is generally found that there is a significant negative correlation between them. Another affective factor, depression predisposition, has been studied by a large number of psychologists. Memory impairment and attention deficit are both symptoms of depression and are not conducive to language learning, especially in listening. Because it requires immediate response and strong attention. However, depression is a field of psychology that has been neglected in the linguistic world. A large number of studies on learning strategies have shown that students can be trained in language strategies. In order to train them to use effective learning strategies to become more efficient and active language learners, listening strategies have attracted much attention, and a large number of studies have focused on the correlation between anxiety and listening strategies. However, little attention has been paid to the correlation between depression tendency and listening strategy. This paper makes an empirical study on the correlation between depression tendency and listening strategy in high school students, and tries to explore the degree of reducing depression tendency. It is hoped that the findings of this study can provide some real and reliable data reference and research reference for related research. This study mainly focuses on the following questions: 1) the overall status of depression tendency of high school students surveyed? (2) what are the listening strategies used by the high school students investigated? What are the characteristics? (3) is there a correlation between depression tendency and listening strategy use and listening level of the investigated senior high school students? What kind of correlation is there? Based on the quantitative data, the author studies the general situation of depression, the use of listening strategies, and the tendency to depression. Qualitative data further explain the deep causes of depression and the influence of depression on listening strategies. The present study focuses on four classes 180 in Sunshine Middle School. As the participants in the study, The quantitative data were collected by questionnaire. The research tools included background information questionnaire, English listening strategy questionnaire and self-rating depression scale. The quantitative data were collected by SPSS 19.0 software. Reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis and independent sample T test were used to analyze the data. The number of students with low depression tendency was 33.1, the number of middle depression was 21.1m, and the number of high depression group was 8.6.2.The frequency of listening strategies used by high school students was from high to low: social affective strategies, cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, social affective strategies, cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and cognitive strategies, respectively. Metacognitive strategy. 3) Depression tendency has a negative correlation with listening level, and the degree of influence from high to low is metacognitive strategy, social affective strategy, cognitive strategy. The more frequently students use listening strategies, the higher their listening level is and the better their listening performance. The results show that students can increase the frequency of listening comprehension strategies by reducing their depression tendency. Teachers can help students reduce their depression tendency and train them to adopt effective listening strategies. The results have some implications for English teachers and teaching.


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