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发布时间:2018-03-12 15:22

  本文选题:模因论 切入点:大学英语写作 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Memetics is a new theory of Darwinian evolution theory based on.Dawkins (1976) first proposed the term "meme", namely, gene duplication culture, and by the Blackmore (1999) the development of memetics theory. Productive vocabulary is an important standard to evaluate the quality of writing and vocabulary richness, an important problem in English Writing is the urgent Chinese students. In recent years, researchers at home and abroad of the meme theory into vocabulary research, but remain in the vocabulary level, an empirical study on vocabulary production is relatively small. This study uses memetics to guide college English vocabulary teaching, combined with the Read (2000) lexical variation. The lexical density, lexical sophistication and lexical errors in four dimensions, the empirical research on writing productive vocabulary, aims to explore the memetics guide to college English vocabulary teaching of College English written vocabulary. The impact. This study aims to solve three problems: 1) compared with the traditional vocabulary teaching model for College English vocabulary teaching, the theory is more able to enhance the writing of productive vocabulary based on? If it is, can be raised to what extent? 2) memes in College English vocabulary teaching theory will have what effect on the writing of productive vocabulary based on? Among them, which dimensions of productive vocabulary to improve the most significant? 3) in the meme theory to college English Vocabulary Teaching under the guidance based on the writing achievement and productive vocabulary are what relationship? The research object is from Shenyang Normal University 89 freshman enrollment in their. Were randomly divided into two classes, one as the experimental class (47 people), the other one as the control class (42 people). The experiment lasted for one semester, a total of 15 weeks, the experimental process including questionnaire survey, classroom teaching and writing tests before and after three Methods. The experimental class using memetics to guide college English vocabulary teaching aims to help students improve their writing in productive vocabulary, and lexical richness and accuracy. The results showed that in the experimental class, meme theory to college English vocabulary teaching can enhance writing productive vocabulary based on ratio better teaching effect of traditional vocabulary. In four dimensions of productive vocabulary, lexical variation, lexical density and lexical complexity were significantly increased, the lexical variation is the most significant, while vocabulary errors decreased significantly. In addition, writing achievement and vocabulary change, there is a significant positive correlation between the two dimensions of vocabulary the complexity, and other dimensions have no significant correlation. Therefore, this study not only provides a reference solution for improving the productive vocabulary of College English writing, but also for the improvement of College English Vocabulary teaching provides new ideas and methods.



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