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发布时间:2018-03-14 13:56

  本文选题:会议口译 切入点:释意派理论 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of international communication, contact and cooperation with the international China increasing. Chinese airlines need an international perspective, the international aviation management system, improve the overall technical scheme and development prospective. The increase in international exchanges, the level also gradually improve, you need to constantly improve the level of interpreters and their ability. This is an English translation Chinese translation practice report, the author had the honor to participate in organized by the Department of aviation 2016 aviation industry development seminar, the practice of the task is to provide translation for the Irish representative, introduced Ruian aviation experience, let the author have a further understanding of the interpreting activities, recognized as interpreters should enhance the encyclopedic knowledge, the language sensitivity and adaptability. This paper is based on the 2016 development of the aviation industry conference interpreting practice as an example, summarizes the practice in the process of problems and solutions. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part of the 2016 aviation industry development seminar as the background, introduces the nature of the task, the background. The second part introduces the translation process, from the preparation before translation, the translation process and translation. The author summarizes the three reflection after the translation preparation stage refer to parallel text, after doing translation after reflection the author, so as to improve the ability of practice. The third part is the case analysis. In this chapter, the author sums up the translation in the digital, complex sentences, accent and other issues, and solve the problem, some coping strategies, including the interpretive theory by interpreting strategies, translation skills, syntactic linearity and energy distribution model. The fourth part is the summary of problems and expectations for the future, let the author become a better interpreter.



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