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发布时间:2018-03-20 20:32

  本文选题:面子 切入点:中西文化 出处:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's opening to the outside world, cross-cultural economic and social exchanges are also increasing. However, there are various cultural differences between different regions. Communication barriers between people from different cultural backgrounds often lead to communication failure. Face, as a social and psychological phenomenon, is an important aspect of culture. It plays an important role in people's social communication activities. Because there are so many differences in the understanding of face, the degree of concern and the ways and principles of dealing with face problems between the East and the West, they often bring difficulties in communication and even misunderstandings between the two sides. What communication strategies are adopted? Therefore, on the one hand, this paper is based on the "face saving theory" of Goffman, Brown, Levinson, Hu Xianjin, Ding Tong and others. The differences of "face" culture between China and the West are discussed from three aspects: collectivism and individualism, human relations and objective consciousness, superficial vanity and basic fact. On the other hand, this paper mainly takes the film face as an example and analyzes the social communication behavior of the Chinese and the Western personages in the film clips. The purpose of this paper is to find out how the concept of face affects social communicative behavior, and to conclude the different application principles of face strategies in the process of cross-cultural communication. And find out the ways of mutual fusion and understanding from its cultural roots, so that the communicators can understand the concept of face more deeply in the process of cross-cultural communication, and enhance people's sensitivity to the social cultural and sociolinguistic differences. In order to reduce the cultural pragmatic conflicts caused by "face", we hope to benefit from the mutual integration of eastern and western cultures.


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