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发布时间:2018-03-20 21:01

  本文选题:宏观经济政策 切入点:经济大衰退 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This is a translation practice report. The translation report is taken from the Great Recession: market failure or Policy failure? Chapter 9th of the book, "controlling Bank risk-allowing the Market to regulate itself or use the Regulatory order?" "the book is edited by Robert Hazel, and the author of the book is unique in comparison with the traditional, popular view of market order disorder. This paper focuses on the discussion from the perspective of "monetary policy disorder" caused by macroeconomic policy blunders. This report selects 9th chapters of the book as the source text. This chapter deals with creditor losses, "too big to fail" policy and the concept of diversification. The purpose of this report is to provide readers with a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of market self-regulation and financial regulation. Chapter one mainly introduces the purpose of this translation report. Chapter two gives a brief introduction to the source text. Chapter three focuses on the main translation theories used in the translation process, including Rice's text typology analysis theory. Nida's dynamic equivalence Theory. In Chapter 4th, the author elaborates the difficulties encountered in the process of translation and the corresponding solutions. Chapter 5th analyzes the experience learned in translation projects and the problems to be solved urgently. And make a comprehensive summary of the whole report.


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9 华尔街从业人士 陈思进;全球大衰退或将正式开始[N];中国经营报;2012年

10 殷剑峰;大衰退、大动荡、大变革[N];第一财经日报;2011年

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