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发布时间:2018-03-24 08:40

  本文选题:功能对等理论 切入点:音译 出处:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文是一篇以苦酒发展史为主题、功能对等理论为基础的翻译实践报告,该报告的英文原文选自美国著名作家布拉德·托马斯·帕森斯(Brad Thomas Parsons)的经典之作《苦酒:经典万灵酒的传奇历史——鸡尾酒、酒谱与配方》(Bitters:A Spirited History of a Classic Cure-all,with Cocktails,Recipes and Formulas)的第一章“苦酒简史”(Chapter 1 A Brief History of Bitters)和第三章“自制苦酒”(Chapter 3 Making Your Own Bitters)。该书简要介绍了鸡尾酒的起源及其发展历程,全面说明了苦酒的常见品类、调制配方及其使用方法,详细阐述了苦酒在鸡尾酒发展谱系及其调制方法中所发挥的神奇功效。本报告选译作品的第一章和第三章主要鉴于这两章是全书探讨苦酒发展史的主旨内容,即关于鸡尾酒的起源及其发展历程和常见苦酒的调制配方及其使用方法。本报告的主要内容包括四个部分。第一部分为翻译概述,包括项目的背景、意义和结构;第二部分为作品原文概览,包括作者简介及其作品的主要内容;第三部分为翻译过程详述,包括翻译难点精解剖析、功能对等理论介绍及其具体翻译方法应用;第四部分,总结了翻译实践启示和展望了疑难问题解决策略。在翻译技法上,本人以奈达的“功能对等理论”为基础,巧妙运用增译、省译、直译、意译及音译等翻译方法全面分析解决了翻译中遇到的各种重点难点问题,使译文更加文辞畅达。
[Abstract]:This paper is a translation practice report based on the theory of functional equivalence and the history of bitter wine development. The original English text of the report is from the classic "bitter Wine: the legendary History of the Classical Waring Wine-Cocktail" by Brad Thomas Parsons, a famous American writer. Chapter 1, "A Brief History of Bitters", and Chapter 3," homemade bitter Liquor "Chapter 3 Your Own Bitters.The book briefly introduces the origin and development of cocktails. The common varieties of bitter wine, its formula and its usage are described in detail. The magical function of bitter wine in cocktail development pedigree and its modulation is described in detail. The first and third chapters of the selected works of this report are the main contents of the whole book to discuss the history of bitter wine development. The main contents of this report include four parts. The first part is an overview of translation, including the background, significance and structure of the project. The second part is an overview of the original works, including the author's brief introduction and the main contents of his works; the third part is the detailed analysis of the translation process, including the detailed analysis of translation difficulties, the introduction of functional equivalence theory and the application of specific translation methods. Based on Nida's "functional equivalence Theory", the author skillfully applies incremental translation, saving translation and literal translation. Translation methods such as free translation and transliteration have comprehensively analyzed and solved various key and difficult problems encountered in translation, making the translation more accessible.


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8 张庆云;;翻译的文化本质与功能对等理论[J];泰安教育学院学报岱宗学刊;2006年02期

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