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发布时间:2018-03-31 10:29

  本文选题:框定 切入点:重新框定 出处:《外国语(上海外国语大学学报)》2016年04期

[Abstract]:This paper selects the text of the debate on economic issues in the first presidential debate in the United States in 2012 as the corpus, and analyzes the political game strategies of Obama and Romney from the perspective of public acceptance using the frame theory. This study confirms the view that the Republican Party is better at framing its own political views than the Democratic Party. Economic reality in the process of conceptual manipulation, Romney's framework has been more successful in using metaphors, images, stories and other mental blocks to harness public sentiment more effectively; Romney has expressed his policies based on Republican ethics. Obama's economic framework has been reframed ethically, but Obama's framework has been limited to specific policy levels; Obama has repeatedly used Romney's language to repeat and reinforce Romney's framework. That helped Mr Romney win more swing support.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学外国语学院;南京信息工程大学语言文化学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社科研究一般项目“基于语料库的当代美国政治语篇的架构隐喻模式分析”(项目批准号:11YJA740085) 江苏省社会科学重点项目“中国政治话语体系的认知构建研究”(项目编号:15YYA002) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(优势学科代码:20110101)




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