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发布时间:2018-04-01 02:05

  本文选题:批评话语分析 切入点:互文性 出处:《海外英语》2016年22期

[Abstract]:Intertextuality is one of the basic attributes of discourse. In 1992, Fairclough introduced "intertextuality" into critical linguistics, which expanded the connotation of "intertextuality" in literary field. It extends from the original "intertextuality" or "textual interrelation" to the dynamic construction of the text and social context. The quantitative analysis of critical intertextuality is carried out at three levels of vocabulary, and the qualitative analysis of critical intertextuality is formed by examining the function of social / historical context on the construction of textual intertextuality from the perspective of three elements of register. On the one hand, it reveals the implicit control of the speaker's utterance intention on the speaker's emotion, on the other hand, it also explores the intertextual relationship between discourse and social structure, power or ideology. Finally, the operational and practical framework of critical intertextuality analysis is constructed, which is one of the innovations in this field.
【作者单位】: 广东财经大学;


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