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发布时间:2018-04-09 18:53

  本文选题:汉语新词 切入点:英译 出处:《宏观经济管理》2017年S1期

[Abstract]:Chinese neologisms, which bear some contemporary social connotations and Chinese cultural characteristics, have become an important research object in the field of language studies. Under the guidance of the Skopos theory of translation, the examples of translation are rearranged.Two main purposes of English translation of Chinese neologisms are summarized: one is to make the translation conform to the language habits of the target language readers so that they can better understand the content conveyed by the translation, the other is to make the translation retain Chinese characteristics and spread the characteristic Chinese culture.Translation purpose determines translation methods and strategies.It is found that if the translator is inclined to propagate the present Chinese culture, the strategy of documentary translation can achieve the purpose of propagating the cultural characteristics of the source language from the perspective of preserving the form, content or situation of the new words.However, if the translator pays attention to the target readers' comprehension and acceptance of the target text, they should adopt the instrumental translation strategy.Therefore, the author concludes that the functional Skopos theory can effectively and scientifically guide the translation of Chinese neologisms, and provide a new theoretical perspective for similar translation practices, which will provide further reference for translators.
【作者单位】: 青岛黄海学院;


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