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Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research Background
    1.2 Research Motivation and Methods
    1.3 Research Questions and Objectives
    1.4 Research Significance
        1.4.1 Theoretical significance
        1.4.2 Practical significance
    1.5 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Theoretical Basis
    2.2 Basic Concepts of Skopostheorie
        2.2.1 Skopos
        2.2.2 Translation brief
        2.2.3 Aim, intention, function and purpose
    2.3 Rules of Skopostheorie
        2.3.1 Coherence rule
        2.3.2 Fidelity rule
        2.3.3 Skopos rule
        2.3.4 Summary
    2.4 Previous Studies on Skopostheorie
    2.5 Previous Studies on Brand Names and Brand Name Translation
Chapter Three Study on Formation, Features and Functions of English Brand Names
    3.1 Definition of Brand Name
    3.2 Ways of Naming a Brand
        3.2.1 Following a proper noun
        3.2.2 Adopting a common noun, adjective or verb
        3.2.3 Names from foreign words or loanwords
        3.2.4 Coined words
        3.2.5 Names from a compound noun, adjective, or verb
    3.3 Features of Brand Names
    3.4 Functions of Brand Names
        3.4.1 Distinctive function
        3.4.2 Informative function
        3.4.3 Recognition function
        3.4.4 Appreciation function
        3.4.5 Appellative function
        3.4.6 Advertising function
        3.4.7 Legal protective function
Chapter Four E-C Translation of Brand Names: Discussion in Light of Skopostheorie
    4.1 Principles for Brand Name Translation
        4.1.1 Consumer-oriented principle
        4.1.2 Product-oriented principle
    4.2 Methods for Brand Name Translation
        4.2.1 Literal translation
        4.2.2 Transliteration
        4.2.3 Combination of literal translation and transliteration
        4.2.4 Image translation
        4.2.5 Creative translation
        4.2.6 Zero translation
    4.3 Summary and Suggestion
Chapter Five Conclusion
    5.1 Major Findings
    5.2 Limitations of This Research and Suggestions for Further Studies




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