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发布时间:2018-04-18 21:43

  本文选题:英语阅读学习 + 非英语专业 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In long-term language learning, English reading is a very effective way to learn English.Of the four skills in language learning, reading is the most difficult to begin and persist in long-term.A large number of studies have proved that there is an important relationship between learning motivation and learning autonomy.Learning motivation and autonomy play an important role in learners, and can promote learners to start learning, and continue to persist, the most important thing is to cultivate their lifelong learning habits, which is also the highest goal of education.A large number of studies have proved that there is a significant correlation between the two, and then focus on specific areas of research, such as listening, speaking, reading, especially in the field of reading.In this study, a quantitative study was used to investigate 116 freshmen of non-English major at China University of Geosciences (Beijing).The purpose of this study is to explore the correlation between reading motivation and reading autonomy for non-English majors.The research question is 1: 1.There is a general correlation between English reading motivation and reading autonomy.If so: what is their correlation?The correlation between each type of reading motivation and reading autonomy is significant.How do you explain these correlations?By using quantitative and qualitative analysis of English reading motivation types and reading autonomy,Conclusion: (1) there is a significant positive correlation between English reading motivation and reading autonomy. 2) different types of English reading motivation have different correlation with English reading autonomy: personal development motivation has the highest correlation with reading autonomy;The motivation of information media, intrinsic interest and autonomy are positively correlated to middle and low degree; among them, the correlation of learning situation is the weakest; there is no significant correlation between social responsibility motivation and autonomous learning of reading.The first year of English reading is a critical period for non-English majors who have less English lessons.It can not only affect their autonomy in English learning during school, but also affect their lifelong English autonomy.Through an in-depth analysis of the results of the study,This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to stimulate the English reading motivation of non-English major freshmen to cultivate their reading autonomy: 1) to make students realize that English reading in personal development and information media can promote their English.The importance of reading autonomy. 2) converting performance motivation into interest motivation.The best state of learning is to let learners enjoy the process of reading and cultivate their interest, so that they can learn on their own. 3) the teachers can not ignore the motivation of learning situations.The teacher's teaching style and learning atmosphere will affect the students.At the end of the paper, the author summarizes the shortcomings of this research, and looks forward to further teaching and related research in the future.


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