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发布时间:2018-04-20 10:31

  本文选题:留守儿童 + 英语学习困难 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the use of the new edition of English teaching materials for primary schools, a new round of reading and feedback and analysis on the use of new textbooks has begun. As the main body of learning-students, some of them are left-behind children in rural areas. Children left behind are derivatives of the current economic development environment and a special group of students. What is their situation in the process of learning English? can we help them to carry out language learning more effectively through conscious classroom intervention? Pupils' English learning has just started, as the second classroom of learning English-family, its importance is particularly important and necessary, it is an important place for primary school students to be supervised and assisted by their parents. And these left-behind children, their life guardian age is too old, the education level is generally on the low side. Some grandparents have not read books, even Chinese characters do not recognize several. In such a family environment, what difficulties will children have in learning English? As teachers, how can we promote their learning as much as possible in the classroom? This study focuses on Left-behind Children's English learning, and the object of this study is Left-behind Children in my class. This study assumes that there are differences in individual English learning. Previous studies on these differences were usually based on individual learning attitudes and learning abilities, often ignoring the impact of family culture among individual students. Based on the differences between left-behind children and non-left-behind children, this study studies the English learning difficulties of left-behind children, and analyzes the causes of English learning difficulties of left-behind children. This paper attempts to find out concrete and feasible countermeasures to solve the problem of left-behind children's English learning from the classroom intervention level and to help left-behind children to improve their English learning situation. At the same time, the existence of similar situation of students teachers play a certain reference and reference role. Through classroom observation, questionnaire, interview and so on, the author understands the guardianship and guardianship of left-behind children, the living conditions and English learning of left-behind children. The emphasis is on their English learning, including learning motivation, learning habits, cognitive state, classroom performance, emotional attitude and learning strategies. Based on the difficulties of rural left-behind children in English learning, this paper puts forward the corresponding classroom intervention measures and practical research. The author explores practical intervention measures at the classroom level through the intervention of affective intervention, habit intervention, learning strategy and so on, on the existing English learning difficulties of left-behind children.


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