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发布时间:2018-04-22 14:22

  本文选题:中小学 + 英语 ; 参考:《教学与管理》2017年28期

[Abstract]:The English Curriculum Standard points out that English extracurricular activities help students to increase their knowledge, broaden their horizons, develop their intelligence and personality, and show their talents, which is an important part of students' English learning. Can provide a greater platform for students' language practice and autonomous learning. The development of English extracurricular activities in primary and secondary schools not only meets the requirements of English curriculum standard, but also meets the requirements of cultivating students' core literacy, such as humanistic information and practical innovation. After introducing the basis of developing English extracurricular activities, this paper discusses the functions, principles and strategies of developing English extracurricular activities, and finally points out some problems facing the development of English extracurricular activities in primary and secondary schools in China.
【作者单位】: 广东第二师范学院外语系;


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