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发布时间:2018-04-22 16:15

  本文选题:多模态 + 话语分析 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:口语能力的培养是英语学习的关键,也是现代社会发展对人才培养提出的要求。但是在当前的大学英语口语教学中缺乏较为高效的教学方法,大学生的口语水平尤其是非英语专业学生的口语水平并不理想。因此,提高大学英语口语教学水平对培养学生的口语能力有着重要意义。随着科学技术的发展和交际方式的变化,交际语篇意义的传达更具有多模态性,同时,语言交际的多模态性为教学提供了新的表现手段,也促进了国内外学者从多模态的角度探讨语言教学,寻求一条更有效的英语口语教学方法。多模态教学方式借助于文字、图片和声音等多种符号资源,通过在英语学习中刺激学生的多种感官,吸引学生的学习兴趣,激发其练习英语口语的主动性,提高课堂教学效率和学生的英语口水平,从而取得良好的语言教学效果。多种模态资源的综合运用,能够弥补传统口语教学模式的不足,并且教师有意识地突出学生的主体地位,引导学生主动参与教学活动,促进学生之间以及师生之间的互动交流。基于多模态理论的英语口语教学方式通过多种渠道为学生提供真实的语境信息,这样不仅有利于锻炼学生的口语水平,同时能够帮助学生增进对中外文化背景知识的理解,提高语言的综合运用能力。目前,国内关于多模态话语分析理论的研究仍处于初期阶段,把该理论应用到大学英语课堂的研究较少且主要集中在研究英语词汇、听力和写作方面。为了激发大学生的英语口语学习兴趣,提高其英语口语学习水平,作者综合前人研究经验,对多模态英语口语教学方式进行深入探索。本论文旨在将多模态话语分析理论应用于大学英语口语教学环节中,并对多模态理论指导下的口语教学效果进行分析检验,对提高教师的教学效果和学生英语口语学习的质量及效率提出相关建议。本研究主要围绕以下问题:1.多模态英语口语教学方法在哪方面优于传统口语教学方法?2.多模态英语口语教学方法对大学生英语口语学习有什么影响?3.如何应用多模态英语口语教学方法来提高学生的英语口语水平?本研究历时十六个教学周,即从2016年3月至2016年7月。试验在吉林财经大学大二年级非英语专业学生中进行。作者首先通过对10位吉林省高校英语教师访谈了解大学英语口语教学现状,为多模态课堂设计奠定基础。其次,根据上学期英语期末考试成绩选择两个英语水平相当的班级,分别确定为实验班和对照班,随之进行实验前的前测,目的在于确认两个班级的学生具有相似的英语口语水平。实验班有69名学生,对照班有70名学生,两个班级由同一教师授课,作者参与课堂观察并记录。在为期十六周的教学试验中,实验班采用多模态理论指导下的英语口语教学方法,对照班则采用传统口语教学方式进行授课。最后,为了检验多模态教学方法的教学成果以及学生的口语提高情况,教学实验结束后,实验班和控制班的所有同学参加了实验的后测。后测完成后,作者单独对实验班同学发放了调查问卷用来了解学生在课堂上的参与度,多模态教学方式对学生的影响以及学生对多模态课堂教学的认可程度。实验前测和后测数据经过SPSS V16.0软件分析处理,前测成绩对比表明两个班的学生并无明显差异,后测成绩对比分析则显示经过教学试验后,实验班学生的口语成绩优于对照班学生的口语成绩,说明多模态话语分析理论指导下的口语教学方法所取得的教学成果明显优于传统的口语教学方法,有助于提高学生的英语口语的准确性和连贯性。同时调查问卷的结果也表明了多模态的课堂设计能够激发学生学习兴趣,引导学生积极参与课堂活动并为其提供更多的口语练习机会,促进学生提高自主学习口语的能力。此外,学生们也更喜欢这种轻松活跃的多模态教学方式的课堂氛围。本论文以多模态口语教学实验为基础,通过实验分析充分阐释了多模态教学方法的优势,希望能为今后的多模态研究提供一些启示。但同时本研究也存在着不足之处,实验所选取研究对象具有一定的局限性,教学实验周期较短等因素对实验结果有一定的影响,在以后的研究中将会有所改进。
[Abstract]:The cultivation of oral English is the key to English learning and the requirement of the development of modern society for the training of talents. However, there is a lack of more efficient teaching methods in the current oral English teaching. The oral level of college students, especially those of non English majors, is not ideal. Therefore, the teaching of oral English is improved. Level is of great importance to the cultivation of students' oral ability. With the development of science and technology and the change of communication methods, the communication of communicative discourse meaning is more multimodal. At the same time, the multimodality of language communication provides a new means of expression for teaching, and also promotes scholars at home and abroad to explore language teaching from a multimodal angle. Seeking a more effective method of oral English teaching. Multimodal teaching means with the help of many kinds of symbolic resources, such as words, pictures and sounds, to stimulate students' various senses in English learning, to attract students' interest in learning, to stimulate their initiative in speaking English, and to raise the efficiency of classroom teaching and the level of students' English oral English. The comprehensive application of various modal resources can make up for the shortcomings of the traditional oral teaching mode, and the teachers should consciously highlight the students' main body position, guide the students to participate in the teaching activities actively, promote the mutual communication between students and teachers and students. The teaching of oral English based on the multimodal theory The way to provide students with real contextual information through a variety of channels is not only conducive to the training of students' spoken language, but also helps students to improve their understanding of Chinese and foreign cultural background knowledge and improve the comprehensive use of language ability. At present, the research on multimodal discourse analysis theory is still in the early stage, and the theory is still in the early stage. In order to stimulate students' interest in oral English learning and improve their level of oral English learning, the author makes a thorough exploration of the methods of multimodal oral English Teaching in order to stimulate college students' interest in oral English learning and to improve their oral English learning. The theory of state discourse analysis is applied to the teaching of spoken English in College English, and the effect of oral teaching under the guidance of multimodal theory is analyzed and tested. Some suggestions are put forward to improve the teaching effect of teachers and the quality and efficiency of students' oral English learning. This study focuses on the following problems: 1. multimodal oral English teaching methods What is better than the traditional oral teaching method? 2. how does the multimodal oral English teaching method have the influence on the oral English learning of the college students? 3. how to improve the students' oral English by using multimodal oral English teaching methods? This study lasted from March 2016 to July 2016. The experiment was in Jilin Finance and economics university. In the second grade non English major students, the author first through interviews with 10 college English teachers in Jilin province to understand the present situation of college oral English teaching, and lay the foundation for the multimodal classroom design. Secondly, according to the final exam results of the last semester, two classes of English level are selected as the experimental class and the control, respectively. In the class, the pre test pre test was carried out to confirm that the students in the two classes had similar spoken English. There were 69 students in the experimental class, 70 in the control class, two in the same class, and the author participated in the classroom observation and recorded. In the sixteen week teaching experiment, the experimental class was guided by multimodal theory guidance. At the end of the experiment, all the students in the experimental class and the control class took part in the post test after the experiment. After the post test was completed, the author was alone on the experimental class. The students issued a questionnaire to understand the students' participation in the class, the influence of multimodal teaching methods on the students and the degree of students' recognition of the multimodal classroom teaching. The pre test and post test data were analyzed by SPSS V16.0 software. The comparison of the results of the pre test results showed that there was no obvious difference between the two classes, and the results of the post test were correct. The comparative analysis shows that after the teaching experiment, the students' oral performance of the experimental class is better than that of the control class. The results show that the teaching results obtained by the multimodal discourse analysis theory are obviously better than the traditional methods of oral English teaching, which can help to improve the accuracy and consistency of the students' oral English. The results of the questionnaire also show that multimodal classroom design can stimulate students' interest in learning, guide students to actively participate in classroom activities and provide them with more opportunities for oral practice, and promote students' ability to learn oral English on their own. In addition, students also prefer the relaxed and active classroom atmosphere of multimodal teaching. On the basis of multimodal oral teaching experiments, this paper explains the advantages of multimodal teaching methods through experimental analysis, and hopes to provide some inspiration for the multi-modal study in the future. But at the same time, there are some shortcomings in this study. The research object of the experiment has some limitations and the teaching experiment cycle is short, and so on. It has certain effect on the experimental results, and will be improved in the future research.



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