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发布时间:2018-04-23 15:27

  本文选题:外交场合 + 中国古诗文 ; 参考:《信阳师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous enhancement of its comprehensive national strength, the cultural exchanges between China and the West have become increasingly frequent. As an important part of Chinese culture, ancient Chinese poetry and prose have become an important part of Chinese culture. Because of its unique cultural charm, it frequently appears in the foreign speeches of Chinese leaders, and how to translate ancient Chinese poetry and prose in diplomatic occasions has also attracted the attention of the world. At present, domestic experts and scholars have carried out extensive and in-depth studies on the translation of ancient Chinese poetry from different perspectives. However, most of them are translation studies, while the study on interpretation is relatively lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to study the interpretation of ancient Chinese poetry in diplomatic situations. The in-depth study on the translation of ancient Chinese poetry and prose in diplomatic interpretation is of guiding significance to the practice of interpretation in diplomatic situations. For diplomatic interpreters, how to accurately understand and effectively translate ancient Chinese poetry is a difficult problem for them. Guided by the theory of "political equivalence", this paper selects the ancient poems cited by Chinese leaders in various diplomatic occasions as the corpus support, and applies the case study method. This paper studies the interpretation principles and interpreting strategies of ancient Chinese poetry in diplomatic situations. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the research background, purpose and significance of this paper. The second part analyzes the current situation of the translation of ancient Chinese poetry and reviews the diplomatic translation studies under the guidance of the "political equivalence" theory and the interpretation study of ancient Chinese poetry and prose in diplomatic situations. The third part analyzes the characteristics of diplomatic interpretation and the language characteristics of ancient Chinese poetry and prose, and summarizes the pragmatic functions of ancient Chinese poetry and prose in diplomatic situations. In the fourth part, based on the characteristics of diplomatic interpretation and the linguistic characteristics of ancient Chinese poetry and prose, the author points out that the interpretation of ancient Chinese poetry and prose should follow the principle of "political equivalence", the principle of instant expression and the principle of unity of "three beauties" in foreign affairs. Based on the case study of on-site translation in diplomatic situations, the author holds that translation strategies such as domestication and alienation are effective translation strategies for interpretation of ancient Chinese poetry and prose in diplomatic situations. Interpreters should apply translation principles and strategies flexibly according to different diplomatic contexts.


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