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发布时间:2018-04-27 05:32

  本文选题:英语阅读成绩 + 场依存 ; 参考:《牡丹江师范学院》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:新一轮的教学改革,倡导以学生为主体,教师为主导的课堂模式。学生个体差异引起了教师的注意。每个人组织,分析和回忆新信息和经验的方式称为认知风格。认知风格是个体差异的重要组成部分。认知风格在学生接收、分析和处理信息的过程中起着重要的作用。场依存型和场独立型认知风格是两种最重要的认知风格。场依存型认知风格学习者以外界标准作为参照物,分析能力差,但合作能力和适应环境能力强,适合习得型学习。场独立型认知风格学习者分析能力强,以自身经验作为判断标准,自主学习能力强,但人际交往能力差,适合传统讲授型学习。因此,了解学生的认知风格有利于教师找到合适的教学方法,帮助学生提高学习成绩。阅读是人类思维过程中的一种认知过程,它是读者与文本之间的互动。阅读作为英语学习的四项技能之一,是最主要的获取信息的方式。高中生已经形成了稳定的认知风格。学生的认知风格与阅读成绩有着密切的关系。所以,有必要探讨高中生场依存型/场独立型认知风格与英语阅读成绩之间的关系。本文首先对场依存型/场独立型认知风格与英语阅读做了介绍。然后,本研究对国内外对于场依存型/场独立型认知风格以及英语阅读进行了研究。本文采用问卷与测试的方法,以牡丹江市第一高级中学高一的120名学生为研究对象。采用认知风格图形测试和问卷来确定学生的认知风格,并且对学生英语阅读水平进行了测试。通过SPSS 22.0对问卷和英语阅读测试的数据进行了信效度检测,并做了描述性分析和皮尔逊相关性分析,结果表明(1)场独立型认知风格对高中生英语阅读成绩有积极影响;场依存型认知风格对高中生英语阅读成绩影响不大。(2)在英语阅读成绩中,场独立型认知风格对完型填空,七选五和文章主旨大意有积极影响:场依存型认知风格对阅读问题类型影响不大。本研究对学生和教师提出了一些建议,希望在高中英语阅读教学中对教师的教和学生的学具有一些参考价值。
[Abstract]:The new round of teaching reform advocates a student-oriented and teacher-led classroom model. Individual differences in students have attracted the attention of teachers. The way everyone organizes, analyzes, and recalls new information and experiences is called cognitive style. Cognitive style is an important part of individual differences. Cognitive style plays an important role in the process of receiving, analyzing and processing information. Field-dependent and field-independent cognitive styles are the two most important cognitive styles. Field dependent cognitive style learners take the external standard as the reference, but the ability of analysis is poor, but the ability to cooperate and adapt to the environment is strong, which is suitable for acquisition learning. Field independent cognitive style learners have strong analytical ability and use their own experience as the criterion of judgment. They have strong autonomous learning ability, but poor interpersonal communication ability, which is suitable for traditional teaching learning. Therefore, understanding students' cognitive style is helpful for teachers to find appropriate teaching methods and help students improve their academic performance. Reading is a cognitive process in the course of human thinking, and it is the interaction between readers and texts. As one of the four skills in English learning, reading is the most important way to get information. High school students have formed a stable cognitive style. Students' cognitive style is closely related to their reading achievement. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the relationship between field dependent / field independent cognitive style and English reading achievement. This paper first introduces the field-dependent / field-independent cognitive style and English reading. Then, the present study studies the field-dependent / field-independent cognitive style and English reading at home and abroad. In this paper, 120 students in Mudanjiang No. 1 Senior Middle School were chosen as the research objects by questionnaire and test. The cognitive style graph test and questionnaire were used to determine the students' cognitive style, and the students' English reading level was tested. The reliability and validity of questionnaire and English reading test data were tested by SPSS 22.0, and descriptive analysis and Pearson correlation analysis were done. The results showed that field independent cognitive style had a positive effect on high school students' English reading achievement. Field-dependent cognitive style has little effect on English reading scores of senior high school students. (2) in English reading scores, field-independent cognitive styles fill in the blanks of cloze. There is a positive effect on the main idea of the essay: the field-dependent cognitive style has little effect on the type of reading problem. This study provides some suggestions for students and teachers, hoping that it will be of some reference value to teachers and students in English reading teaching in senior high school.


中国期刊全文数据库 前5条

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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前2条

1 陈双敏;初中生场独立/场依存认知方式与英语完形填空成绩相关性研究[D];福建师范大学;2016年

2 刘三汝;场独立/场依存认知风格对英语学习成绩的影响[D];赣南师范学院;2014年




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