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发布时间:2018-05-01 13:22

  本文选题:图式理论 + 英语阅读 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:英语,作为世界上被广泛使用的语言和高中教学的重要科目之一,具有极大的重要性。阅读,作为英语的四种基本技能之一,在英语的教与学过程中占据了很大的比例。当前,国内的英语阅读教学仍然广泛地采用语法翻译法,即在阅读过程中,教师主要讲解词汇和语法知识,尤其是复杂的句型和语法规则,然后逐句翻译成汉语。学生通过反复地练习和背诵来掌握这些词汇以及语法知识。这种教学方式片面地强调词汇与语法知识,旨在提高学生的应试能力。采用语法翻译法使教师与学生之间缺乏互动,忽略了学生在课堂中的主体地位。长此以往,这种沉闷的课堂气氛必然使学生丧失对英语的学习兴趣。由此可见,语法翻译法存在很多缺陷,不利于提高学生的英语能力。国内和国外的许多研究都表明,阅读模式包括“自下而上”和“自上而下”两种。前者是指阅读过程是从小的底层的语言单位到大的高级的语言单位发展的过程,也就是读者从识别字母和单词开始,扩展到识别短语,从句,句子,最后到整个语篇。后者是指阅读过程中,读者需要用自身的背景知识和知识结构来处理阅读过程中输入的信息。“自下而上”或“自上而下”两种阅读模式只能解释阅读过程的某一方面。读者从阅读的过程中获得的意义来自上下文和他已知的知识,而且这两者缺一不可。因此,在阅读过程中,读者必须把两种阅读模式结合起来,即交互阅读模式。只有通过这种方式,读者才能更有效地理解阅读材料。为了探索阅读的特征,许多学者与专家进行了大量的实验。作为一种影响深远的理论,图式理论在提高学生阅读能力这一方面起着举足轻重的作用。关于图式的定义,许多学者做出了界定。图式是一种认知的建筑砌块,是人脑中抽象的知识结构。在阅读过程中,读者用已有的知识和经验来理解语言。图式包括三种类型:内容图式,结构图式和语言图式。内容图式是指读者具有的与文章相关的背景知识。结构图式是指读者具备的关于不同文章体裁的行文结构的知识。语言图式是指读者关于词汇,短语,从句和句子的知识。在阅读过程中,读者激活相应的图式,把存在于大脑中的已有图式与文章中的新信息和新知识结合起来,可以更好地理解文章。可见,研究图式理论在英语阅读课堂的应用很有必要。本文主要研究以下两个问题:(1)在英语阅读课堂中教师如何激活与运用图式?(2)图式理论对学生的阅读能力有什么影响?笔者在吉林省的怀德镇第一中学高中部一年级进行了实验研究。根据学生们在一次英语测试中阅读理解部分的得分,两个班级——高一一班和高一五班被选出作为实验对象,因为这两个班级学生的英语阅读水平差别不大。高一一班的49名学生作为实验组,高一五班的40名学生作为控制组。实验从2016年12月进行至2017年3月。两个班级使用的教学材料均为普通高中课程标准实验教科书《英语》必修二,必修三,由人民教育出版社出版以及配套的练习册《优化学案》必修二,必修三中的阅读理解部分。在这期间,五班仍然使用传统的语法翻译法进行教学,教学模式围绕阅读-分析-翻译-讲解-背诵来展开。在阅读文章时,教师先对句子进行语法分析,逐句地讲解和翻译。课后,要求学生背诵单词以及语法,背诵课文中的重要段落。而一班采用图式理论进行教学。具体说来,一班应用图式理论进行英语阅读理解教学的方式有PRe P,ETR,LEA,以及recalling等方式。PRe P是一种以讨论为中心的三步教学法。教师和学生就某一话题进行讨论与互动。期间,教师应该时刻注意学生在讨论时所使用的语言,以便判断接下来应该给学生补充哪些背景知识和相关的词汇。ETR强调背景知识在阅读理解过程中的重要性。与PRe P类似,同样通过课堂讨论的方式建立读者的背景知识与课文内容之间的联系。LEA同样强调背景知识的作用。与上述两种方法不同的是,学生要学习的文章不是课本上现有的文章,而是学生从自己的经历中以口头形式总结出来,经过不断地补充与更正形成的书面文章。书面文章准确完整地呈现后,将会围绕这篇文章进行一系列词汇及理解活动。Recalling也是巩固图式的方式之一。在背诵文章时,教师不要求学生背诵整篇文章,而是背诵相关的句子。在复述时,教师会给出相关的线索,使学生更准确地回忆句子。实验结果表明,通过PRe P,ETR,LEA以及recalling等方式可以激活,运用与巩固图式进行阅读。同时,图式理论对提高学生阅读水平有积极的影响。即,实验组的学生在阅读方面比控制组的学生取得了更明显的进步。因此,在教授阅读理解的过程中,教师应该有意识地使用图式理论。为了培养和提高学生的阅读能力,教师应该帮助学生激活与建立图式。本论文包括五章。第一章介绍了阅读在高中英语教学中的重要性,本文的研究意义以及本文的结构。第二章是文献综述。介绍了阅读的定义,阅读的三种模式,即自下而上,自上而下以及交互式阅读模式。另外也介绍了图式的定义,分类,即内容图式,结构图式和语言图式,图式的功能,以及我国对图式理论的研究。第三章是本文的重点内容,陈述了本论文研究的方法论。包括研究目的,研究问题,实验对象,研究工具和教学步骤。第四章是结果与讨论。笔者得出了前测与后测数据,并对这些数据进行了分析。总结了教师在讲授阅读理解时,可以通过PRe P,ETR,LEA以及Recalling等方式帮助学生激活,应用以及巩固图式知识,后测的结果也证明应用图式理论讲解阅读理解取得了较好的效果。第五章是本文的结论,本研究的缺陷,以及对今后研究的建议。
[Abstract]:English, as one of the most widely used languages in the world and one of the important subjects in high school teaching, is of great importance. Reading, as one of the four basic skills of English, occupies a large proportion in the process of teaching and learning English. At present, the grammar translation method is still widely used in the teaching of English reading in China, that is to say, the process of reading is in the reading process. Teachers mainly explain vocabulary and grammatical knowledge, especially complex sentence patterns and grammatical rules, and then translate them into Chinese sentence by sentence. Students master these words and grammatical knowledge by repeated practice and recitation. This way of teaching emphasizes lexical and grammatical knowledge unilaterally, in order to improve students' ability to test. The lack of interaction between teachers and students neglects the students' dominant position in the classroom. In the long run, this dull classroom atmosphere inevitably causes students to lose interest in English learning. Therefore, there are many shortcomings in the grammar translation method, which is not conducive to improving the students' English ability. Many studies both at home and abroad show that reading models have been shown. There are two types: "bottom-up" and "top-down". The former refers to the process of reading process is the process of the development of a large and high level language unit from the bottom of a small language unit. That is, the reader starts from identifying letters and words to identify phrases, clauses, sentences, and later to the whole text. The latter means that the reader needs to read. The two modes of reading, "bottom-up" or "top-down", can only explain some aspects of the reading process. The meaning of readers from the process of reading comes from the context and known knowledge, and both are indispensable. In the course of reading, readers must combine the two reading patterns, that is, interactive reading. Only by this way can the reader understand the reading material more effectively. In order to explore the characteristics of the reading, many scholars and experts have carried out a large number of experiments. As a far-reaching theory, schema theory improves the reading ability of students. On the one hand, it plays an important role. Many scholars have defined the definition of schema. Schema is a cognitive building block, an abstract knowledge structure in the human brain. In the process of reading, the reader understands the language with the knowledge and experience that has existed. The schema consists of three types: content schemas, structural schemata and language schemata. Schema refers to the background knowledge that the reader has related to the article. The schema refers to the knowledge that the reader has about the structure of the text of different genres. The language schema refers to the reader's knowledge of the words, phrases, clauses and sentences. In the course of reading, the reader activates the corresponding schema and the existing schema and text that exists in the brain. It is necessary to study the application of Schema Theory in English reading class. This paper mainly studies the following two questions: (1) how do teachers activate and use schema in English reading class? (2) what influence does schema theory have on students' reading ability? An experimental study was conducted at the first high school of the first middle school in Jilin province. According to the students' reading comprehension scores in an English test, two classes - one one one one and 15 in the high class were selected as subjects, because the English reading level of the two classes was not very different. 49 in the higher class. As the experimental group, the students as the experimental group, 40 students in class 15 as control group. The experiment was carried out from December 2016 to March 2017. The teaching materials used in the two classes were all for the ordinary high school curriculum standard textbook < English > compulsory two, compulsory three. It was published by the people's Education Publishing House and the matching exercise book < optimized School > required two, compulsory three. In this period, the five class still uses the traditional grammar translation method to teach, and the teaching mode revolves around reading, analyzing, translating, explaining and reciting. In reading the article, the teacher makes a grammatical analysis of the sentence, explains and translations sentence by sentence. After class, the students recite the words and grammar to recite the text. In particular, a class of PRe P, ETR, LEA, and recalling is a three step teaching method centered on the discussion and interaction between teachers and students on a topic. During the period, teachers should have time to discuss and interact with each other. Pay attention to the language used by the students in the discussion in order to determine what background knowledge and related vocabulary should be added to the students and the importance of the background knowledge in the process of reading comprehension. Similar to PRe P, the connection between the background knowledge of the reader and the content of the text by the way of classroom discussion is as strong as that of the PRe P. Different from the above two methods, the students' articles are not the existing articles in the textbook, but the students from their own experiences, which are summed up in the oral form, and the written articles are constantly supplemented and corrected. After the accurate presentation of the written articles, the article will be carried out around this article. .Recalling is also one of the ways to consolidate the schema. In reciting the article, the teacher does not ask the students to recite the whole article, but recite the relevant sentences. In retelling, the teacher gives the relevant clues to the students to recollen the sentences more accurately. The results of the experiment show that through the PRe P, ETR, LEA, and recalling It can be activated, using and consolidating the schema to read. At the same time, the schema theory has a positive effect on improving the students' reading level. That is, the students in the experimental group have made more obvious progress in reading than the control group. Therefore, the teachers should consciously use schema theory in the process of reading comprehension. In order to improve students' reading ability, teachers should help students to activate and build schemas. This paper includes five chapters. The first chapter introduces the importance of reading in high school English teaching, the significance of the study and the structure of this article. The second chapter is the literature review. It introduces the definition of reading and the three modes of reading, namely from bottom to top, from top to top. In addition to the interactive reading mode, it also introduces the definition of the schema, the classification, the content schema, the structure schema and the language schema, the function of the schema and the study of the schema theory in our country. The third chapter is the key content of this paper, and states the methodology of the research in this paper. The fourth chapter is the result and discussion. The author draws the data of the pre and post test and analyzes the data. It is concluded that the teacher can help students activate, apply and consolidate the graphic knowledge through PRe P, ETR, LEA and Recalling when teaching reading comprehension. The results of the post test also prove that the result of the post test also proves the application schema theory. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of this paper, the limitations of this study, and suggestions for future research.



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