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发布时间:2018-05-03 00:47

  本文选题:法律翻译 + 判决书翻译 ; 参考:《广东外语外贸大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Apple's patent infringement battle with Samsung has been going on for years, and the U.S. Supreme Court heard Samsung's appeal in early 2016. This is the first time in more than 120 years that the Supreme Court of the United States has accepted the design patent infringement lawsuit, and has also given the translation value of this judgment. Since the United States Supreme Court has not yet rendered a judgment on this case, I have chosen the judgement of the United States Court of Appeals of the Federal Circuit in 2015 as the translation material for translation practice. Through the translation of this judgment, the author hopes to combine the research theory and translation practice of legal translation, and from the perspective of English-Chinese translation, to discuss the author's views on legal texts, especially on the translation strategy of judgments. Under the guidance of the principle of static equivalence translation, this paper analyzes the translation of the judgment from the discourse level, the syntactic level and the lexical level, and provides a relatively feasible solution. At the discourse level cohesion is an important function for all texts especially highly formatted legal texts. In legal translation the translator can use reference connection and substitution to realize the cohesion and coherence of the target text. At the syntactic level, the author uses word for word translation, split method, voice conversion method, addition translation and ellipsis method to translate the long difficult sentences in the judgment. At the lexical level, the difficulty lies in the translation of the case number and the inability to find the equivalent vocabulary. Therefore, the author tries to give a reasonable translation through the method of part of speech conversion and the method of contextual translation.


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