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发布时间:2018-05-03 20:33

  本文选题:二语习得 + 语言学习策略 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着二语习得的研究重点从注重教学转到注重学习者本身,语言学习策略作为影响二语习得的重要因素受到了世界各国语言学家越来越多的关注。语言学习策略是语言教学和研究的主要内容之一,语言学习策略的研究对第二语言的教与学具有重要的现实意义。然而回顾文献和研究发现,国内外研究者现在对于学习策略的研究多从静态的角度来进行,鲜有研究者从动态的角度来对学习策略开展研究。同时也发现,动态系统理论(DST),早在1997年就已经被美国语言学家Larsen-Freeman引入二语习得的研究之中,其后不少语言学家也从动态系统理论的角度对二语习得进行了研究,并且取得了丰硕的成果,但是从动态系统理论的角度研究语言学习策略的相关文献仍然很少。因此基于语言学习策略有助于教师教学和学生语言学习的理论基础,本研究以山东城市建设职业学院非英语专业大一学生为研究对象,从动态的角度研究和分析了他们的英语学习策略使用情况。研究内容主要包括:山东城市建设职业学院大一非英语专业学生英语学习策略的总体使用情况,不同时期英语学习策略使用的发展变化情况,英语学习策略和英语学习成绩之间的关系,以及学习策略和影响因素的动态关系。本研究使用定量研究和定性研究相结合的方法。定量研究采用SILL(Strategy Inventory for Language Learning)(Oxford,1990)中文版本调查问卷作为调查工具,选取山东城市建设职业学院102名非英语专业大一学生作为调查对象,对他们在大一学年使用学习策略的情况进行追踪调查,最后将所得调查问卷数据输入电脑,用SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science)19.0进行数据统计分析。定性研究采用访谈和日记相结合的方法,本着自愿参与的原则,吸引了102名参与者中26名同学作为调查对象,对他们一年来英语学习过程中的个体活动,心理状态以及学习环境等方面做出了比较全面的了解。通过对以上调查结果进行定量分析和定性分析,结果发现:(1)该校非英语专业学生使用英语学习策略频率普遍偏低;(2)从进入大学到第一学年结束,学生的学习策略使用水平逐渐提高;(3)英语水平较高的学生通常比英语水平较低的学生使用学习策略的频率更高更有效;(4)学生使用学习策略的情况不是静态的,而是处于不断发展变化之中。本论文对从动态系统理论的角度研究语言学习策略进行了初步的探讨,对今后语言学界运用动态系统理论研究语言学习策略具有一定的指导意义,有助于丰富学习策略的研究方法,并且对于高校老师在语言教学中合理指导学生学习和学生合理有效运用学习策略有着一定的借鉴意义和启发意义。
[Abstract]:In recent years, as the focus of second language acquisition has shifted from teaching to learners themselves, language learning strategies, as an important factor affecting second language acquisition, have attracted more and more attention from linguists around the world. Language learning strategy is one of the main contents of language teaching and research. The study of language learning strategy is of great practical significance to the teaching and learning of second language. However, reviewing the literature and studies, it is found that researchers at home and abroad now study learning strategies from a static point of view, and few researchers do research on learning strategies from a dynamic point of view. It is also found that dynamic systems theory has been introduced into the study of second language acquisition by American linguist Larsen-Freeman as early as 1997. Since then, many linguists have also studied second language acquisition from the perspective of dynamic systems theory. Many achievements have been made, but there are few literatures on language learning strategies from the perspective of dynamic system theory. Therefore, based on the theoretical basis of language learning strategies for teachers and students, this study focuses on non-English major freshmen in Shandong City Construction Vocational College. This paper studies and analyzes their use of English learning strategies from a dynamic perspective. The main contents of the study include: the general use of English learning strategies for freshmen of Shandong City Construction Vocational College, and the development and changes of English learning strategies used in different periods. The relationship between English learning strategies and English learning achievement, as well as the dynamic relationship between learning strategies and influencing factors. The method of combining quantitative and qualitative studies is used in this study. Using the Chinese version of SILL(Strategy Inventory for Language learning questionnaire (1990) as a tool, 102 non-English major freshmen in Shandong City Construction Vocational College were selected as the subjects. The data of the questionnaire were input into the computer and the data were analyzed by SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science)19.0. Based on the principle of voluntary participation, the qualitative study used interviews and diaries to attract 26 of the 102 participants to investigate their individual activities in the course of English learning in the past year. Psychological state and learning environment and other aspects of a more comprehensive understanding. Through the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis of the above findings, it is found that: 1) Non-English majors in this school generally use English learning strategies less frequently than others (2) from entering college to the end of the first academic year. The use of learning strategies by students is gradually improved. (3) students with higher English proficiency usually use learning strategies more frequently than those with lower English proficiency. 4) the use of learning strategies by students is not static. But in constant development and change. This paper makes a preliminary study of language learning strategies from the perspective of dynamic systems theory, which has a certain guiding significance for the use of dynamic systems theory in language learning strategies in the future. It is helpful to enrich the research methods of learning strategies, and it has certain reference and enlightening significance for college teachers to guide students' learning reasonably in language teaching and students to use learning strategies reasonably and effectively.


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3 文秋芳;英语学习成功者与不成功者在方法上的差异[J];外语教学与研究;1995年03期




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