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发布时间:2018-05-04 17:06

  本文选题:翻译转换 + 范畴转换 ; 参考:《西安理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:航空航天科技是20世纪兴起的高度综合的现代科学技术,也是衡量一国综合国力的重要标准之一,进入21世纪以来,航空航天科技在推动原始创新,促进学科交叉与学科融合方面继续扮演着重要角色。在当今世界,随着全球化经济的迅猛发展和世界科技的日益进步,科技英语作为推动全球性科技交流日趋频繁的重要工具,其重要性及核心影响力不容小觑,因此越来越多的国家都倾注大量资源去研究和翻译科技英语文本,尤其重视对航天科技英语相关文献及书籍的翻译和研究,以此促进和提升科技事业的和平探索与发展。在现有众多科技文献及书籍的研究和翻译中,基于卡特福德范畴转换理论研究航天科技英语汉译的少数案例恰好为本研究得以开展提供了很好的契机。范畴转换理论(Category Shifts Theory)是卡特福德翻译转换理论(Catford's Translation Theory)的一个分支,它包含结构,类别,单位,内部体系四方面的转换。本研究旨在借助卡特福德翻译范畴转换理论,以《大型喷气机的飞行》(Flying the Big Jets) 一书中有关飞机内部结构、飞行细节、波音777-200飞行实例的部分翻译为研究范本,采用文献研究法和定性研究法综合探讨分析如何有效地将四类转换运用于航空航天科技英语汉译中。在结构转换方面,从改变句子结构的角度出发,深度剖析原文,准确把握航天科技知识;在类别转换方面,熟知英汉词汇表达的特点,合理运用各类词性之间的转换,使译文更加流畅自然,正式严谨;在单位转换方面,五类单位之间的合理转换使得译文言简意赅,易于理解;在内部体系转换方面,英汉两种语言体系截然不同,新术语和不同指称的直译导致翻译错误和理解困难,通过内部体系转换对源语进行修改,避免失之毫厘,谬以千里的现象。研究结果表明,卡特福德范畴转换理论在航空航天科技英语汉译中实用性、可操作性和指导性显而易见,在保留原文意思的同时将原文化繁为简,化难为易,又为航空航天科技英语汉译与研究提供更加有意义的借鉴。
[Abstract]:Aerospace science and technology is a highly comprehensive modern science and technology rising in the 20th century. It is also one of the important standards to measure a country's comprehensive national strength. Since the beginning of the 21st century, aerospace science and technology has been promoting primitive innovation. It continues to play an important role in promoting the intersection and integration of disciplines. In today's world, with the rapid development of global economy and the increasing progress of science and technology in the world, English for science and technology as an important tool to promote the increasingly frequent global scientific and technological exchanges, its importance and core influence should not be underestimated. Therefore, more and more countries devote a lot of resources to the research and translation of scientific and technological English texts, especially to the translation and research of relevant literature and books on space science and technology English, so as to promote and promote the peaceful exploration and development of science and technology. In the research and translation of many scientific and technical documents and books, a few cases based on Catford's category transformation theory have provided a good opportunity for this study to be carried out. Category Shifts theory is a branch of Catford translation theory Catford Translation Theory.It includes the transformation of structure, category, unit and internal system. With the help of Catford's theory of translation category transformation, this study aims to translate into a model the part of the flight example of Boeing 777-200 in the book Flying the Big Jets), which deals with the internal structure, flight details, and the flight examples of Boeing 777-200. This paper discusses how to effectively apply the four types of conversion to English translation of aviation and aerospace science and technology by means of literature research and qualitative research. In the aspect of structural transformation, from the angle of changing sentence structure, we should analyze the original text in depth, grasp the scientific and technological knowledge of space science and technology accurately, be familiar with the characteristics of lexical expressions in English and Chinese, and make rational use of the conversion between various parts of speech. Make the translation more smooth and natural, formal and rigorous; in terms of unit conversion, the reasonable conversion between the five types of units makes the translation concise and easy to understand; in terms of internal system conversion, the English and Chinese language systems are very different. The literal translation of new terms and different references leads to translation errors and difficulties in understanding, and the source language is modified through internal system transformation to avoid the phenomenon of loss and fallacy. The results show that Catford's theory of category transformation is practical, operational and instructive in the translation of English for aerospace science and technology. It also provides a more meaningful reference for English translation and research of aerospace science and technology.


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