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发布时间:2018-05-04 17:44

  本文选题:《红高粱家族》 + 布迪厄社会学 ; 参考:《宁夏大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In 1993, one of Mo Yan's masterpieces, the Red Sorghum Family, was translated into English and published in the United States by a famous American sinologist. The work is composed of five parts: red Sorghum, Sorghum Wine, Dog Road, Sorghum Funeral and Strange death. It is characterized by its vivid language, non-temporal narrative and anti-traditional themes. Compared with the translation and introduction of Chinese contemporary literary works in the United States, the English translation of the Red Sorghum Family has been widely welcomed in the United States and received well in general, with a circulation of more than 20,000 copies. In recent years, in the field of translation studies, there has been a sociological turn after the cultural turn. Some progress has been made in translation studies using sociological theories. The sociological study of translation is no longer confined to the text itself, but rather focuses on the complex relationship between translation and its related social factors. Among many sociological theories, the theory put forward by French sociologist Bourdieu is the most frequently applied in the field of translation studies. Field, capital and habituation are the three core concepts of this theory. Therefore, based on Bourdieu's sociological theory and the English translation of Red Sorghum Family, this paper studies the social factors behind the success of the translation from three aspects: field, habit and capital. First of all, the translation of Chinese contemporary literature in the United States is still marginalized. At the same time, the field of American literature in the 1990s is dominated by postmodernist literature, and the theme of the Red Sorghum Family caters to the reading interests of American readers. Secondly, Mo Yan, the author of the Red Sorghum Family, and the capital occupied by the translator in the field of literature and translation contribute to the success of his translation. In addition, his translation habits make his translation both faithful and flexible. At the same time, the translation of the Red Sorghum Family has achieved great success. The translator's translation habits make it difficult to avoid the intentional or unintentional translation of the original, but this does not affect the wide acceptance of the English version of the Red Sorghum Family among American readers.


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