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发布时间:2018-05-06 22:25

  本文选题:文本功能 + 《刑法》英译本 ; 参考:《湖北工业大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:《中华人民共和国刑法》(以下简称《刑法》)是我国人民代表大会制定的以惩罚犯罪、保护人民为宗旨的一部法律,它规定了中华人民共和国所适用的犯罪和刑事责任。随着中外文化交流的扩展,翻译《刑法》对于处理外国人犯罪、处理对外关系等一系列问题意义深远。而作为法律文献中重要的一环,法律术语对于厘请概念,消弭混淆更起着无可替代的作用。根据Peter Newmark的翻译理论,根据原文本类型与语篇功能选择语义型或交际性翻译方式,以实现与原文语篇上的对等。《刑法》其主要语篇功能为信息类文本,阐释中国法律规定,因此,在翻译这种法律文本时,译者应当采取交际性翻译方式,即以目的与读者为中心,以最大限度传递原文本信息。为此,在翻译过程中,译者必然会对那些容易让目的语读者产生误解的一些信息做一定补偿性翻译,以利于目的语读者真正认识并理解中国法律规章制度。本文所选取《刑法》的官方英译本是由全国人大法工委组织翻译和审定的,具有足够的专业性与权威性。本文重点研究了该译本中一些法律术语的翻译,研究了在术语翻译过程中,采用了哪些补偿性翻译策略,这些补偿性翻译策略运用的频次如何,哪种补偿性翻译策略应用频次最高,其原因是什么,这些对我们今后翻译包括法律文献有何启示作用。通过研究,本文发现,该译本在法律术语翻译中,主要使用了具体化、抽象化、增译和阐释这几种翻译补偿策略,其中阐释是使用频次最多的补偿性翻译策略。通过研究分析,本文认为,这是由于中西方法律文化的差异以及阐释补偿手段自身的优势决定的。中国有着特殊的国情和法律文化历史,其文化的唯一性和独特性决定了在翻译过程中会较多地使用阐释法,以实现目的语中与源语言在信息功能上的对等性。由此可以看出,翻译补偿手段对于《刑法》及类似法律文献的翻译有实用价值,对推动这些法律文献的对外实施与有效传播起着重要作用,也值得进一步的研究与应用。
[Abstract]:The Criminal Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "Criminal Law") is a law formulated by the people's Congress of our country with the aim of punishing crimes and protecting the people. It stipulates the applicable crime and criminal liability of the people's Republic of China. With the expansion of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, the translation of Criminal Law is of great significance in dealing with foreign crimes and foreign relations. As an important part of the legal literature, legal terms play an irreplaceable role in eliminating confusion. According to Peter Newmark's translation theory, semantic or communicative translation methods are chosen according to the types and functions of the original text, so as to achieve equivalence with the original text. The main textual functions of the Criminal Law are informational texts to explain the provisions of Chinese law. Therefore, in translating such legal texts, the translator should adopt communicative translation, that is, the Skopos and readers as the center, in order to maximize the transmission of the original text information. Therefore, in the process of translation, the translator will certainly make some compensatory translation of some information which is easy to misunderstand the target language readers, so as to help the target language readers to really understand and understand the Chinese laws and regulations. The official English version of the Criminal Law selected in this paper is translated and examined by the NPC legal work Committee, which is professional and authoritative enough. This paper focuses on the translation of some legal terms in the translation, studies which compensatory translation strategies are adopted in the translation of the terms, and how often these compensatory translation strategies are used. What are the reasons for which compensatory translation strategies are used most frequently and what are the implications for our future translation, including legal literature? Through the study, it is found that the translation of legal terms in the translation of this version mainly uses specific, abstract, translation and interpretation of these several translation compensation strategies, among which interpretation is the most frequently used compensatory translation strategy. Through research and analysis, this paper believes that this is decided by the differences of legal culture between China and the West and the advantages of explaining the means of compensation. China has a special history of national conditions and legal culture. The uniqueness and uniqueness of its culture make it possible to use interpretation more frequently in the process of translation in order to achieve the equivalence of information function between the target language and the source language. It can be seen that the means of compensation for translation are of practical value to the translation of the Criminal Law and similar legal documents, play an important role in promoting the implementation and effective dissemination of these legal documents, and are worthy of further study and application.


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