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发布时间:2018-05-08 19:34

  本文选题:功能对等理论 + 方言和语域 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Under the initiative of "strengthening cultural confidence and telling Chinese stories well", domestic film workers gradually realized the role of films in cultural promotion and dissemination. Among them, the film characterized by local dialects attracted the attention of a large number of audiences. For example, in the 2016 hit film, The film featuring Yunnan dialect, the movie "chasing the murderer", the film "roadside picnic" featuring Guizhou dialect, the film "Hot pot Hero" featuring Chongqing dialect and the film "Old Guaner" featuring Beijing dialect are collected. Got high box office and good reputation. For a city, films made in local dialects are no doubt an efficient channel for promoting local culture. In the process of promoting this culture, subtitled films are an essential step for domestic films. Due to the limitation of space and time on screen, subtitle translation is very different from traditional translation. However, the practice of subtitle translation needs theoretical guidance as well as the traditional translation practice. Unfortunately, a mature theoretical system has not yet been established in the field of subtitle translation, especially in domestic studies. Fortunately, some foreign scholars have put forward relatively mature translation theories, which can provide us with valuable theoretical guidance and support. Therefore, we need to further study how to use these theories more effectively to guide subtitle translation. In view of the above problems, this paper attempts to explore the guiding role of Eugene Nida's functional equivalence theory and Halliday's dialect and register theories in dialect subtitle translation. Functional equivalence theory emphasizes the response of the target language readers and seeks to reproduce the information of the source language with the most natural and appropriate target language. In dialect film subtitle translation, subtitle translation is a successful subtitle translation, in which the information obtained by the target audience from the subtitle translation is infinitely close to the information obtained by the source audience from the film. Therefore, the author holds that functional equivalence theory is applicable to the study of subtitles in dialect films. Dialect and register are two important concepts in Halliday's systemic functional linguistics. Dialects, especially individual dialects, can reflect the region, times and social status of the speaker. There are three variables in the register: field, tenor and form. Among them, tenor reflects the relationship between communicators and communicators, including their social status, speaking attitude and communicative intention. In subtitle translation of dialect films, it is an important consideration for translators to accurately convey the attitude, status and relationship of the speaker or communicator. Therefore, the author holds that the relevant theories of dialect and register are applicable to the study of subtitle translation of dialect films. Under the guidance of functional equivalence theory and dialects and register theories, this paper analyzes the methods and strategies of subtitle translation of the three films named "Hot pot Hero", "Let bullets fly" and "Crazy Stone", which are characterized by Sichuan and Chongqing dialects. The author selects dialogue with typical features of Sichuan and Chongqing dialects as the research object from the three films, and analyzes the characteristics and limitations of subtitle translation in dialect, the translation strategies adopted by translators and the corresponding translation quality. Finally, the thesis points out that functional equivalence theory, dialect and register theory provide a new perspective for subtitle translation of dialect films, which can effectively guide the translation of dialect subtitles. And can provide reference and reference for the future film and television works with dialect as the characteristic. At the same time, the author hopes to attract more scholars to the field of subtitle translation in dialect films.


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