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发布时间:2018-05-09 07:50

  本文选题:黑人 + 军人 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:本项目选材小说The Color of Secrets是由英国女作家琳赛?阿什福德(Lindsay Ashford)所著。琳赛是BBC特约记者并为多家国家级杂志和报纸撰稿。该小说主要是讲述诺曼底登陆时期,女主人公伊娃在丈夫失踪的情况下,与一名美国黑人军人相识相爱的过程,以及他们的混血女儿路易莎在当时社会舆论对黑人并不普遍接受的情况下的成长历程。作者琳赛女士揭露了英国社会存在的种族问题并对其进行讨论,同时进行了正面和反面的双重描述,文中透露出混血家庭的艰难处境和混血小孩的艰辛成长过程。本翻译项目选取了前言和前五章.主要包括:女主人公伊娃在伍尔弗汉普顿市的工作生活状况;女主人公伊娃与男主人公比尔的相识相爱过程。本文是是一篇小说,但更偏向于纪实性文学,在遣词造句及文体风格上都有突出的特点。第一,小说在语言风格上多有丰富而细腻的人物刻画;完整而多变的情节铺叙;具体而独特的环境描述。第二,本文是作者采访了许多混血家庭而创作的,人物地点都是真实存在的,偏向纪实文学,虽具有一定的虚拟性,也使文章所要论述的观点更能深入人心。综上,本文的翻译重难点在于人物想象,动作,心理的翻译。因此,根据英汉两种语言的特点,以及小说翻译的特点,本报告在语言层面上从增译和省译一两个方面分析了如何将原文的文字信息和情感信息生动地传达给读者,从而尽量带给译文读者与原文读者同等的艺术享受。翻译需要准确的理解和谨慎的选词,同时要考虑中英语言的差异以及译文读者的思维习惯,运用技巧做出适当的调整。同时,文中涉及到一些历史、战争及政治的术语和特定语境下某些词语的理解还是不小的挑战。因此,译者需要借助专业词典、平行文本及网络资源等工具全面、准确理解原文的意义。报告分为原文文本分析、翻译前准备、翻译重难点分析、案例分析,并在最后总结了本次翻译实践的心得体会。笔者选取的翻译项目有助于国内学者及历史学研究人士扩充背景知识,以开阔的态度讨论种族事件。同时,为同类型的文本翻译提供一些可借鉴参考的方法策略。
[Abstract]:The Color of Secrets was selected by Lindsay, a British female writer. Ashford and Lindsay Ashford. Lindsay is a special correspondent for BBC and writes for several national magazines and newspapers. The novel is mainly about the Normandy landing period, the heroine Eva in the disappearance of her husband, and a black American military acquaintance of the process of falling in love. And their mixed-race daughter Louisa's growing up under the condition that public opinion was not generally accepted by black people at that time. The author, Lindsay, exposed and discussed the racial problems in British society, and described both the positive and the negative aspects, revealing the difficult situation of mixed-race families and the difficult process of growing up of mixed-race children. This translation project selects the preface and the first five chapters. The main contents include: the working and living conditions of Eva in Wolverhampton and the process of her acquaintance and love with Bill. This article is a novel, but more inclined to documentary literature, in the choice of sentences and stylistic style have prominent characteristics. First, the novel has rich and delicate characters in language style; complete and changeable plot description; specific and unique environmental description. Second, the author interviewed many half-blood families and created it. The place of the characters is real and tends to documentary literature, although it has a certain fictitious nature, it also makes the views discussed in the article more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In summary, the translation of this paper lies in the translation of imagination, action and psychology. Therefore, according to the characteristics of both English and Chinese languages and the characteristics of novel translation, this report analyzes how to convey the text information and emotional information of the original text vividly to the readers at the linguistic level from one or two aspects of increasing translation and saving translation. So as to bring the target readers and the original readers the same artistic enjoyment. Translation requires an accurate understanding and careful choice of words, taking into account the differences between the Chinese and English languages and the readers' thinking habits, and making appropriate adjustments using their skills. At the same time, some historical, war and political terms and the understanding of certain words in a specific context are still challenging. Therefore, translators need professional dictionaries, parallel texts and network resources to fully and accurately understand the meaning of the original text. The report is divided into original text analysis, pre-translation preparation, translation difficult analysis, case analysis, and finally summarizes the experience of translation practice. The translation projects selected by the author can help domestic scholars and history researchers to expand their background knowledge and discuss racial events in an open manner. At the same time, it provides some reference strategies for the text translation of the same type.


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