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发布时间:2018-05-09 14:09

  本文选题:海伦·加纳 + 《空余的房间》 ; 参考:《牡丹江师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This translation practice report is based on the translation materials from chapters 5 to 7 of Australian writer Helen Garner's novel the spare Room. This part of the novel is mainly about two elderly women Nikolay and Helen in the face of death and aging in the process of love-hate entanglement, death will come one day can not refuse, aging itself may be another side of death, Disease undoubtedly accelerated the process, and Nikolay, who was suffering from cancer, was unwilling to face the truth of death, insisting on the struggle against death and fate, and on all sorts of strange treatments. But Helen, a friend, was bent on setting Nikolay up to the right attitude toward death and the reality of her impending death. Thus, two close friends launched a fierce battle about faith. The translation practice report discusses the translation strategies of the novel from two aspects: dialogue translation and descriptive language translation. The translation of the novel requires the translator to have a wide range of cultural literacy, flexible use of various translation techniques and methods, so as to make the translation from content to form as close as possible to the original. Through the experience gained from translation practice, the translator hopes to improve his translation deficiencies and improve his translation skills. At the same time, it also provides a useful reference for translators who translate similar works in the future.


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