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发布时间:2018-05-12 07:55

  本文选题:法律翻译 + 规范化翻译 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The curriculum of legal linguistics and legal translation in college of English and law has opened the curtain of the study of forensic linguistics and translation. However, the application of linguistic and translation studies to the study of legal language and translation mainly revolves around the translation principles and techniques of case studies, court languages, legal applications and trial cases. So far, there is no Chinese translation of the 1997 Housing Leasing Act in Victoria, Australia. And abroad, because of Australia's unique property policy, investing in Australian property will always have ownership and inheritance rights, plus the encouragement of the loan policy, the return on Australian property investment has been maintained at a high level. Indirectly led to the Victorian Housing Lease Act 1997 related research. This paper is a translation practice report, the first time according to Newmark semantic translation and communicative translation theory public translation of Victoria, Australia, 1997 Housing Lease Act 129-210 translation strategies, mainly including four parts. The first part is a brief introduction of translation projects, which mainly introduces the background of translation practice and the nature of translation practice. The second part is a brief introduction of translation practice, including pretranslation preparation, implementation of translation plan and post-translation matters. In the third part, we analyze the translation problems of asymmetric terms, technical terms and long compound sentences, as well as the solving strategies. The fourth part is the conclusion, which mainly summarizes the translation practice, summarizes the achievements of translation practice and the unsolved problems, and re-establishes its future goals in learning and work, so as to make a plan for the future. This practice report is intended to provide useful reference for translation practice and facilitate those who wish to emigrate, work and start a business abroad.


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