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发布时间:2018-05-15 21:17

  本文选题:基于学习策略的英语教学 + 学习策略 ; 参考:《鲁东大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为语言学习策略的一种,阅读策略是指学习者为了更好地提高阅读理解水平,更有效的完成阅读任务而采取的各种学习方法和技巧。基于学习策略培训的教学模式(Strategy-based Instruction,SBI),是指在教学过程中指导学习者使用学习策略来帮助他们取得更好的学习效果,即在英语教学过程中有目的地进行学习策略培训,显性地将策略训练融入课堂教学内容中,最终培养学生在学习语言的过程中成为有效的自主学习者。国内外研究者已对SBI进行了大量的研究,并且取得了较为丰硕的成果。但文献显示,目前我们国内将SBI应用于高中英语阅读教学的研究相对较少,因此本文拟尝试研究SBI应用于高中英语阅读教学的有效性,以提高高中英语教学质量。本研究采用实验研究的方法,选取山东省淄博市某中学笔者任教的高二两个平行同质的自然班作为实验对象,其中一个作为对照班级,一个是实验班级,各班均有55名同学,进行了为期一学期的教学实验。实验班使用SBI英语教学模式进行阅读教学,而对照班仍沿用传统的英语阅读教学方法。本文的研究问题主要包括:与传统英语阅读教学相比,SBI英语阅读教学模式是否能够更好地提高学生的阅读策略使用水平?是否能够更好地提高学生的英语阅读水平?通过对所得数据进行分析得出以下主要研究发现:(1)SBI可以提高学生阅读策略的使用水平。通过阅读策略的培训,学生能够更加频繁地使用所培训的阅读策略,说明学生的阅读策略意识增强了;学生使用所培训的阅读策略的有效性也有很大程度的提高。(2)SBI较大地提高了学生的阅读理解成绩。实验班的期末英语考试阅读成绩平均分高出对照班六分,其中中等水平的学生成绩提高最大。这在很大程度上说明SBI更能促进和提高中等水平学生的英语阅读成绩。
[Abstract]:As a kind of language learning strategies, reading strategies refer to the various learning methods and techniques adopted by learners in order to improve their reading comprehension and accomplish reading tasks more effectively. The teaching model based on learning strategy training is Strategy-based instruction, which means instructing learners to use learning strategies to help them achieve better learning results, that is to say, to conduct purposeful learning strategy training in English teaching. Explicit integration of strategy training into classroom teaching content, and finally cultivate students to become effective autonomous learners in the process of language learning. Researchers at home and abroad have done a lot of research on SBI, and have achieved fruitful results. However, the literature shows that there are relatively few researches on the application of SBI in senior high school English reading teaching in China, so this paper intends to try to study the effectiveness of SBI application in senior high school English reading teaching in order to improve the quality of English teaching in senior high school. In this study, we selected two parallel and homogenous natural classes in a middle school in Zibo City, Shandong Province, as experimental objects, one as a control class and one as an experimental class, with 55 students in each class. A one-semester teaching experiment was conducted. The experimental class uses SBI English teaching mode for reading teaching, while the control class still adopts the traditional English reading teaching method. The main research questions of this thesis are as follows: compared with the traditional English reading teaching, can the SBI English reading teaching model improve the students' reading strategies better? Can it improve the students' English reading ability? Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the following main findings are drawn: 1 / 1 / SBI can improve the students' reading strategies. Through the training of reading strategies, students can use their reading strategies more frequently, which shows that students' awareness of reading strategies has been enhanced. The effectiveness of using the trained reading strategies is also greatly improved. The average reading score of the experimental class is six points higher than that of the control class. This indicates to a large extent that SBI can promote and improve the English reading achievement of middle level students.


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1 文秋芳;英语学习成功者与不成功者在方法上的差异[J];外语教学与研究;1995年03期




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