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发布时间:2018-05-20 01:22

  本文选题:动机减退 + 影响因素 ; 参考:《南京航空航天大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在英语教学过程中,我们通常会发现有相当部分的学生在英语学习过程中表现出学习动机越来越弱,甚至失去了学习的动力。正如D?rnyei(2005)所指出,在语言学习过程中,学习者会受到积极和消极因素的双重影响,其中那些负面的影响就是语言学习动机减退的因素。一直以来,广大研究者将焦点置于动机的积极方面,研究对象基本是重点院校的在校大学生,而对于三本院校学生英语学习动机减退的研究相对较少。事实上,动机减退现象在三本院校学生英语学习过程中普遍存在,它已经成为影响学习者进步的重要因素。本文旨在调查三本院校非英语专业大学生英语学习动机的减退情况以及影响其动机减退的因素。为此,本研究设计了三个问题:1)三本院校非英语专业大学生是否存在动机减退现象?2)影响动机减退的因素有哪些?性别之间是否存在显著差异?3)非英语专业学生如何看待动机减退现象并采取哪些策略克服英语学习中的动机减退?本研究的研究对象为南京航空航天大学金城学院非英语专业一、二年级共509名学生,研究工具是调查问卷和半结构式访谈。本研究使用SPSS 22.0对量化数据结果进行了分析,其中包括描述性统计、因子分析和独立样本T检验分析。之后又邀请了参加问卷调查的25名学生进行了半结构式访谈。访谈数据采用内容分析法,作为对问卷结果的深度补充。研究结果表明:三本院校非英语专业大学生中存在英语动机减退现象,近67%的参与者承认在英语学习中出现过动机减退。其次,影响被试动机减退的因素主要有7大类,按其影响程度由强到弱分别是:二语学习的失败经历,教材内容,课程设计,缺乏内在动机,学习态度,学习环境以及教师因素。值得注意的是,教师因素对受试者影响不大,这与以往研究不一致。第三,女性被试更容易受内在因素的影响,例如失败的二语学习经历,缺乏内在动机和消极的学习态度,而男性被试更容易受到外在因素的影响,包括教材内容和二语课堂气氛。最后,参与访谈的被试尝试使用四种策略以重新增强学习动机,包括背英语单词,阅读英语报刊,练习四级真题以及看英文电影和电视剧。
[Abstract]:In the process of English teaching, we usually find that a considerable number of students show weaker and weaker motivation in the process of English learning and even lose their motivation to learn. In the process of language learning, learners are affected by both positive and negative factors, among which the negative factors are the factors of the decrease of language learning motivation. For a long time, the majority of researchers have focused on the positive aspects of motivation, and the research object is basically the students in key universities, but the study on the decrease of English learning motivation of the students in the three colleges is relatively few. In fact, motivation decline is a common phenomenon in the process of English learning in the three colleges and universities, which has become an important factor affecting learners' progress. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the decline of English learning motivation of non-English major students in three colleges and the factors influencing their motivation decline. Therefore, this study designed three questions: 1) whether there is a phenomenon of motivation decline in non-English majors in three colleges and what are the factors affecting motivation decline? (3) how do non-English majors view the phenomenon of motivation decline and what strategies do they take to overcome motivation decline in English learning? The subjects of this study are 509 non-English majors in Jincheng College of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The research tools are questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. In this study, SPSS 22.0 was used to analyze the quantitative data, including descriptive statistics, factor analysis and independent sample T-test analysis. Then 25 students who participated in the questionnaire were invited to conduct semi-structured interviews. The interview data were analyzed by content analysis as a depth supplement to the results of the questionnaire. The results show that there is a decrease in English motivation among non-English major students in three colleges and nearly 67% of the participants admit that they have experienced motivation decline in English learning. Secondly, there are seven main factors that affect the motivation decline of the subjects. According to the degree of influence from strong to weak, they are: failure experience of second language learning, teaching material content, curriculum design, lack of intrinsic motivation, learning attitude. Learning environment and teacher factors. It is worth noting that the teacher factor has little effect on the subjects, which is inconsistent with previous studies. Third, female subjects were more likely to be influenced by internal factors, such as failed L2 learning experience, lack of intrinsic motivation and negative learning attitude, while male subjects were more susceptible to external factors. Including the content of the textbook and the second language classroom atmosphere. Finally, the interviewees tried to use four strategies to enhance their learning motivation, including memorizing English words, reading English newspapers and periodicals, practicing real questions in CET-4, watching English movies and TV series.


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