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发布时间:2018-05-24 18:12

  本文选题:反思性教学 + 后方法 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:自上世纪八十年代以来,作为促进教师专业发展的一种有效途径,反思性教学一直是国内外教育研究的热点话题。同时,随着国内新课程改革的不断深入,反思性教学也是教师真正理解课标理念并将其应用于教学实践的关键所在。所以,探究反思性教学对于促进课程实施和提高教师教学水平具有重要的理论和实践意义。然而,在国内外对反思性教学的研究中,很少有专门适用于二语教学的理论来指导反思性教学。本文创新式地采用同样强调培养教师批判性思维和反思能力的后方法理论来指导反思性教学,从外语教学的角度对反思性教学的有效实施提出更有针对性和操作性的建议。本研究一方面通过对国内外反思性教学研究成果进行综述,并辅以后方法理论,尤其是宏观策略框架的相关介绍,在理论上对反思性教学研究提供一种有益的补充,进一步深化反思性教学的理论研究。另一方面通过对南京某高中3位英语教师的个案研究,以访谈和分析反思性日记两种方式,试图回答以下三个研究问题:(1)在日常高中英语教学中,教师主要反思什么?有何特点?(2)在日常高中英语教学中,教师对反思性教学的认知和实践有哪些提升空间? (3)根据后方法宏观策略框架,对于高中英语教师有效实施反思性教学有哪些建议?研究的结果主要如下:第一,在日常高中英语教学中,教师主要就某一堂课的教学方法,教学过程,学生反应和所存在的问题进行反思。他们反思的特点包括:反思的导向主要为纠正错误;反思的程度一般只是回想和描述课堂中的教学情况;反思的方法倾向于在大脑中及时反思;反思的类型主要是个人反思。第二,高中英语教师对反思性教学认知和实践的不足主要有:对反思性教学的理念理解存在偏差;反思意识较弱;反思方法有所欠缺和反思的范围窄程度浅。第三,根据后方法理论,高中英语教师应该提高反思意识,主动去反思,同时他们应敢于借助行动研究构建建立在自己教学实践上的理论;教育管理者应创建相应教师发展项目和机制,推进高中与大学之间的紧密合作,使得一线教师能逐步掌握反思性教学的理论和技能,树立自己创建理论的意识和获得后续行动研究的动力。作者期望借助于本研究,为教师教育工作提供借鉴,为广大一线教师有效实施反思性教学、实现自身专业发展给予参考。
[Abstract]:Since 1980s, as an effective way to promote teachers' professional development, reflective teaching has been a hot topic in educational research at home and abroad. At the same time, with the deepening of the new curriculum reform in China, reflective teaching is also the key for teachers to truly understand the concept of curriculum standards and apply them to teaching practice. Therefore, exploring reflective teaching has important theoretical and practical significance for promoting curriculum implementation and improving teachers' teaching level. However, in the research of reflective teaching at home and abroad, there are few theories that are suitable for second language teaching to guide reflective teaching. This paper innovatively adopts the post-method theory which also emphasizes the cultivation of teachers' critical thinking and reflective ability to guide reflective teaching and puts forward more pertinent and operational suggestions for the effective implementation of reflective teaching from the perspective of foreign language teaching. On the one hand, by summarizing the research results of reflective teaching at home and abroad, and supplemented by the theory of post-method, especially the relevant introduction of macro strategic framework, this study provides a useful supplement to the research of reflective teaching theoretically. Further deepen the theoretical study of reflective teaching. On the other hand, through a case study of three English teachers in a senior high school in Nanjing, this paper attempts to answer the following three research questions: 1: 1) what are the teachers' main reflections in English teaching in senior high school? What are the characteristics of English teaching in senior high school? (3) what are the suggestions for the effective implementation of reflective teaching in senior high school English teachers according to the macro strategic framework of the latter method? The main results are as follows: first, in the daily high school English teaching, teachers mainly reflect on the teaching method, teaching process, students' reaction and existing problems of a certain class. Their characteristics include: the orientation of reflection is mainly to correct mistakes; the degree of reflection is generally only to recall and describe the teaching situation in the classroom; the method of reflection tends to reflect in time in the brain; the type of reflection is mainly personal reflection. Second, the English teachers in senior high school lack the cognition and practice of reflective teaching mainly as follows: there is a deviation in understanding the concept of reflective teaching; the consciousness of reflection is weak; the method of reflection is deficient and the scope of reflection is shallow. Thirdly, according to the post-method theory, senior English teachers should improve their consciousness of reflection and take the initiative to reflect. At the same time, they should dare to build a theory based on their own teaching practice with the help of action research. Education administrators should create corresponding teacher development projects and mechanisms to promote the close cooperation between senior high school and university so that the first-line teachers can gradually master the theory and skills of reflective teaching. Set up their own awareness of the creation of theory and the motivation to follow-up research. With the help of this study, the author hopes to provide reference for teachers' education, to provide reference for teachers to effectively implement reflective teaching and to realize their own professional development.


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