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发布时间:2018-05-29 10:51

  本文选题:可理解性 + 可接受性 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学学报》2017年03期

[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to investigate the comprehension of native English in Chinese English newspapers and periodicals by foreign experts, international students and Chinese college students. Methods the data of 139 subjects were collected by text analysis, questionnaire and interview. The students were divided into three groups: high, middle and low English proficiency. The results are as follows: first, the foreign teachers think that the expressions of influence and comprehension in Chinese English newspapers and periodicals are mainly collocation or sentence patterns, Chinese characteristic terms and foreign proclamations. Second, the Chinese college students and international students in the high level of understanding of native English is not difficult, medium level group slightly increased the difficulty of understanding, low level group is the most difficult. Thirdly, Chinese college students and foreign students in the high level group can explain the native English more accurately, and most of the middle level group and the low level group have difficulty in explanation.
【作者单位】: 天津外国语大学英语学院;
【基金】:天津市2016年度哲学社会科学规划项目“中国语境下本土化英语的国际可理解度研究”(项目编号:TJWW16-019) 2016年度天津市教育科学“十三五”规划课题“基于使用的语言习得观视角下大学生专用英语词块学习研究(项目编号:HE4061)” 天津外国语大学“十二五”科研规划2015年度重点项目“中国本土化话语英译的可接受度实证研究”(项目编号:15ZD02)的部分研究成果


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