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发布时间:2018-05-30 18:51

  本文选题:投入量 + 阅读任务 ; 参考:《天水师范学院》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:词汇是语言系统的支柱和语言学习的基本要素之一,著名的语言学家Hammer曾说过:如果把语言结构比作语言的骨架,那么词汇为语言提供了重要的器官和血肉。然而,调查显示词汇学习是我国高中生英语学习中最薄弱的环节之一,词汇量成为了制约英语学习最主要的因素。对高中生而言,扩大他们的词汇量,是提高整个英语能力的基础。词汇附带习得近年来成为英语教学研究的热门,相关研究表明,阅读能扩大词汇量,在阅读中也可以附带习得词汇,关于词汇附带习得的理论很多,其中最著名是Laufer和Hulstijn(2001)提出的投入量假设,该理论认为,阅读投入量越大,词汇习得效果越好,记忆保持效果也越好。目前高中生英语学习的主要方式是阅读,那么什么样的阅读任务在高中生英语词汇附带习得中效果更好,这值得进一步研究,因此,笔者以此理论为基础,设计了两种不同投入量的阅读任务,目的在于验证,不同投入量的阅读任务对高中生阅读中的词汇附带习得的影响,并且试图回答以下两个问题:(1)不同投入量的阅读任务是否对高中生的词汇附带习得产生不同的影响?(2)不同投入量阅读任务怎样影响高中生的词汇附带习得?参加实验的对象为天水市第一中学高二两个平行班的学生,参加实验的总人数为114人,其中每班57人。笔者首先确定了两个班学生水平相当,并在两个班发放问卷调查,了解学生的词汇学习状况和词汇和阅读学习情况。接下来,参加实验的两个班的学生都要求在15分钟内阅读同一篇文章并回答文章后的相应的问题。其中,高二5班的学生要求完成文中划线句子翻译任务,而高二3班的学生则要求完成阅读理解选择题任务。任务完成后,收回阅读文章,立即对两个班进行目标词汇掌握情况的测试,两周之后再次进行延时目标词汇测试,利用社会科学统计软件(SPSS 19.0)对两次词汇测试的结果进行数据统计。本研究工具包括:调查问卷(实验前),两份词汇测试(即时测试和延时测试)根据收集的数据,最后研究得出以下主要结论:(1)数据统计结果显示,两个班级的学生都习得了一定的目标词,但对目标词的掌握情况存在明显差异,不同的阅读任务对学习者的词汇附带习得产生不同的影响。这表明不同投入量的阅读任务,影响词汇附带习得的效果。(2)就词汇附带习得的效果而言,“阅读后翻译含有目标词的句子”比“阅读后完成单项选择题”要好。因为“阅读后的翻译任务”需要更多的“投入量”,同时对词汇的加工程度更深。本研究完全支持了Laufer和Hulstijn(2001)提出的投入量假设,即,投入量越大,在即时测试中词汇附带习得效果越好,同时在延时测试中记忆的保持效果也好。该研究同时为高中英语词汇教学提供了一定的启示。即,教师应该鼓励学生广泛阅读一些水平相当的英文读物以扩充词汇量,并且可以在平时教学中有意识的设计一些“投入量”较高的阅读任务来帮助学生提高词汇学习的效率。
[Abstract]:Vocabulary is one of the pillars of the language system and one of the basic elements of language learning. The famous linguist Hammer once said that if the structure of a language is compared to the skeleton of a language, it provides an important organ and a flesh and blood for language. However, the investigation shows that vocabulary learning is one of the weakest links in Chinese high and Middle English learning. Quantity has become the most important factor restricting English learning. For high school students, the expansion of their vocabulary is the basis for improving the whole English ability. Incidental vocabulary acquisition has become a hot topic in English teaching research in recent years. There are many theories, the most famous of which are the input hypothesis proposed by Laufer and Hulstijn (2001). The theory holds that the greater the input, the better the effect of vocabulary acquisition and the better the effect of memory retention. This is worth further research. Therefore, on the basis of this theory, I designed two different input reading tasks to verify the effect of different input reading tasks on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in high school students' reading, and try to answer the following two questions: (1) whether the reading tasks of different inputs are higher or not. (2) how do different input reading tasks affect the incidental vocabulary acquisition of high school students? The participants in the experiment are two parallel classes in senior two in Tianshui No. 1 middle school, and the total number of participants in the experiment is 114, including 57 in each class. The author first determines that the level of the two classes is equal, A questionnaire survey was conducted in two classes to understand the students' vocabulary learning situation and vocabulary and reading learning. Next, the students in the two classes were required to read the same article in 15 minutes and answer the corresponding questions after the article. Two the students in class 3 were required to complete the task of reading comprehension. After the task was completed, the reading articles were recovered, the target vocabulary of the two classes was immediately tested, and the time delayed target vocabulary test was carried out again after two weeks, and the results of the two vocabulary tests were statistically analyzed by the social science statistics software (SPSS 19). The research tools include: the questionnaire (before the experiment), two vocabulary tests (instant test and delay test) based on the collected data, and finally the following main conclusions are obtained: (1) data statistics show that the students of two classes have acquired certain target words, but there are obvious differences in the mastery of target words and different reading tasks The incidental vocabulary acquisition of the learners has different effects. This shows that the reading tasks of different inputs affect the effect of incidental vocabulary acquisition. (2) in terms of the effect of incidental vocabulary acquisition, "after reading the sentences containing target words after reading" is better than "reading the single choice after reading" because "post reading translation tasks" need to be needed. More "input" and more processing of vocabulary. This study fully supports the input hypothesis proposed by Laufer and Hulstijn (2001), that is, the greater the input, the better the effect of incidental vocabulary acquisition in the instant test, and the better the retention effect in the delay test. It provides some inspiration. That is, teachers should encourage students to read a few English reading materials to expand their vocabulary, and to consciously design some "high input" reading tasks in ordinary teaching to help students improve the efficiency of vocabulary learning.


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2 张娜娜;;有关英语学习者通过阅读附带习得词汇的实证研究[J];外语教学;2013年01期

3 徐浩;;阅读任务中词汇附带习得注意过程的探索性研究[J];外语教学理论与实践;2012年02期

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5 吴旭东;;学习任务能影响词汇附带习得吗?——“投入量假设”再探[J];外语教学与研究;2010年02期

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7 龚兵;;阅读附带词汇习得中的频率效应[J];解放军外国语学院学报;2009年04期

8 张宪;亓鲁霞;;自然阅读中的词汇附带习得研究[J];外语教学与研究;2009年04期

9 武卫;许洪;;多媒体环境下不同形式的注释对二语词汇附带学习的影响[J];解放军外国语学院学报;2009年01期

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