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发布时间:2018-06-04 07:50

  本文选题:幽默语翻译 + 脱口秀 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着互联网时代的发展,世界各国的文化进一步交互融合。美国脱口秀因其独特的风格,诙谐幽默的语言,鲜明的时代特点从众多视频类节目中脱颖而出,进入了中国观众的视线。因此,本文拟选取《吉米·法伦晚间秀》(The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,以下简称《晚间秀》),对《晚间秀》中辨识度较高的一个环节---“感谢信”(Thank You Note)环节为语料进行翻译。在“感谢信”这一环节中,主持人吉米·法伦假装自己给不同的对象写感谢信。每个对象,吉米都会尝试用一到两句话对该对象表达自己的“谢意”。笔者根据搜集到的语料分析总结各种在翻译过程遇到与幽默语翻译相关的问题,研究《晚间秀》中的幽默语的类型,及每种类型幽默相应的翻译策略。本选题研究的理论基础为法国学者斯波伯(Sperber)和英国学者威尔逊(Wilson)提出的关联理论。在翻译过程中,译者作为第一受话者,对视频中说话者所说的源语中尝试获取最佳关联和最大关联,随后通过目的语的形式向观看视频的观众(第二受话者)传达源语中所隐含的幽默话语。本论文中会采用不同的翻译方法(如增译,加注,改写等)弥补关联性缺失的问题,达到传递幽默的效果。论文最后对该实践进行总结,提出该实践的局限性,并为未来脱口秀幽默语翻译的研究提出相关意见和建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of the Internet era, the cultures of various countries in the world have further interacted and merged. Because of its unique style, humorous language and distinctive features of the times, American talk shows stand out from many kinds of video programs and enter the sight of Chinese viewers. Therefore, this paper intends to select "Jimmy Fallon Evening Show" and "the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon," for short to translate the "thank you letter" thank you note "as the corpus. In the thank-you letter, host Jimmy Fallon pretends to write a thank-you note to different people. For each object, Jimmy would try to say one or two words of gratitude to that object. Based on the collected data, the author summarizes the problems encountered in the translation process, studies the types of humorous words in Evening Show and the corresponding translation strategies for each type of humor. The theoretical basis of this thesis is the relevance theory proposed by the French scholar Sperber and the English scholar Wilson. In the process of translation, the translator, as the first speaker, tries to obtain the best relevance and the largest relevance in the source language spoken by the speaker in the video. Then the target language conveys the humor implied in the source language to the viewer (the second speaker). In this thesis, different translation methods (such as incremental translation, annotated translation, rewriting, etc.) will be used to compensate for the lack of relevance and achieve the effect of humor transmission. Finally, the paper summarizes the practice, points out the limitations of the practice, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions for the study of humor translation in future talk shows.


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