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发布时间:2018-06-08 07:02

  本文选题:石英纤维增强磷酸铬铝复合材料 + 卡特福德 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:石英纤维增强磷酸铬铝复合材料是哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院的优秀科研成果之一。作为哈工大的优势学科,将其成果英译,具有实际意义。英译前,作者查阅了材料科技术语,借鉴了该领域专家老师提供的已发表论文作为平行参考文本,并分别与原论文作者、原论文作者指导老师及作者导师研讨,为英译原文做了充分的准备。材料类科技论文的特点为术语多,表格、数据较多,专业性较强。根据以上特点,作者借助Deja Vu翻译软件的帮助以辅助表格的翻译,并应用了J.C.卡特福德的“翻译转换”理论,指导《石英纤维增强磷酸铬铝复合材料的制备和性能研究》(节选)的英译。在具体的翻译案例中,从“翻译转换”中“范畴转换”的“结构转换”、“类别转换”和“单位转换”三个层面,归纳材料科技文本英译的技巧:“主题突出”向“主语突出”转换、“无主句”向“被动句”转换”、“动词”向“名词”转换、“动词”向“介词”转换、“短句”向“非谓语动词短语”转换、“多动词单句”向“多层次复杂句”转换。通过翻译该译文,作者得出:翻译行为应该是基于翻译理论为理论指导的理性行为。
[Abstract]:Quartz fiber reinforced chromium-aluminum phosphate composite is one of the outstanding scientific research achievements in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin University of Technology. As a superior subject of Harbin University of Technology, it is of practical significance to translate its achievements into English. Before translating into English, the author consulted the terms of material science and technology, used the published papers provided by the expert teachers in the field as parallel reference texts, and discussed them with the authors of the original paper, the author of the original paper and the tutor of the author, respectively. Adequate preparations have been made for the English translation of the original text. Material science and technology papers are characterized by more terms, tables, more data, more professional. According to the above characteristics, the author uses the help of Deja Vu translation software to help the translation of tables, and applies J. C. Catford's Translation Transformation Theory, which guides the preparation and Properties of Quartz Fiber reinforced Chromium Aluminium Phosphate Composites. In specific translation cases, there are three levels of "structural transformation", "category conversion" and "unit transformation" of "category transformation" in "translation transformation". The techniques of translating the scientific and technical text of inductive materials into English: from "subject prominent" to "subject prominent", "without subject sentence" to "passive sentence", "verb" to "noun", "verb" to "preposition", "short sentence" to "non-predicate verb phrase", "multi-verb single sentence" to "multi-level complex sentence". By translating the translation, the author concludes that translation behavior should be rational behavior guided by translation theory.


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