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发布时间:2018-06-12 15:23

  本文选题:翻译美学 + 道德经 ; 参考:《语文建设》2017年23期

[Abstract]:The Book of morality is famous for its profound philosophical thought, which later became the name of "Heaven Book" and "philosophy poem". Although there are only more than 5000 words in the book, the characters are full of philosophical thoughts, which not only involve the explanation of the roots of all things in the world, but also probe into the relationship between man and nature. From the point of view of literary characteristics and translation aesthetics, it is permeated with strong literary characteristics and translation aesthetics. The author discusses and interprets in detail the literary features and translation aesthetics in the three aspects of words, syntax and rhetoric, so as to further display this pre-Qin period for people.
【作者单位】: 沈阳工业大学;


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