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发布时间:2018-06-15 08:02

  本文选题:牛津英语(上海版) + 教材评估 ; 参考:《广州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As an important part of communicative competence, pragmatic competence is necessary for successful communication, and is receiving more and more attention in English teaching. At the same time, English Curriculum Standard for compulsory Education (2011) emphasizes the importance of cultivating students' English pragmatic competence. In our country's foreign language learning environment, as the main source of language input, textbooks play an important role in pragmatic teaching. Therefore, whether the textbooks can better present pragmatic knowledge and whether teachers can make full use of the teaching materials in pragmatic teaching have an important impact on the cultivation of students' pragmatic competence. However, previous studies have paid little attention to the pragmatic assessment of junior high school English textbooks. Based on the theories of textbook evaluation and pragmatics, this study constructs a framework of textbook evaluation to evaluate a set of junior high school textbooks (Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) which is widely used in Guangdong Province from a pragmatic perspective. The research questions are as follows: 1, what speech acts are presented in the textbook, what is their proportion, the distribution of speech acts, the situation of situational description and meta-pragmatic information, and what is the teacher's view on pragmatic teaching using the textbook? The present study adopts a quantitative and qualitative approach to evaluate the teaching materials from a pragmatic perspective through a page-by-page analysis of textbooks and a questionnaire survey of 38 teachers. The results showed that the number of speech acts was insufficient. Only 45.6% of the content of the textbook presents 47 kinds of speech acts. The distribution of the content of speech acts in quantity and difficulty shows a trend of development with the development of teaching material level. However, the situation description and meta-pragmatic information presented are poor in quantity and quality. Due to teachers' limited pragmatic cognition and the lack of pragmatic input in textbooks, this textbook is not fully utilized in pragmatic teaching. On the basis of the research results, this paper puts forward some suggestions to the textbook editors and teachers in order to improve the compilation of textbooks and pragmatic teaching.


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