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发布时间:2018-06-16 10:03

  本文选题:语法隐喻 + 翻译策略 ; 参考:《广东外语外贸大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:本研究以语法隐喻现象为切入点,使用Translog软件记录26位翻译专业的三年级研究生译文生成过程中的各项数据,并结合译后反省式有声思维报告法(TAP,Think-aloud Protocols),重点关注受试处理语法隐喻翻译时的翻译策略。研究采用2x2的混合因素实验,其中隐喻类型(含词汇隐喻和句法隐喻)是受试内变量,受试类型(包括有隐喻背景的受试和无隐喻背景的受试)是受试间变量,因变量是翻译策略,目的是检验有无隐喻知识的受试和不同语法隐喻类型对于翻译策略的选择是否有差异。研究结果表明:(1)词汇层面的语法隐喻相比句法层面的语法隐喻较为容易,不同类型语法隐喻对所产生的Total User Event(p=0.0150.05)和Text Production(p=0.0000.05)有显著影响,但是用于词汇层面的认知加工活动不一定少于句法层面的加工;(2)并不是所有翻译策略的选择都受语法隐喻类型和实验受试类型的影响,语法隐喻类型对于S7(发现翻译难点)、S11(重组译文)和S13(遵循翻译要求)的作用是显著的,受试类型对于S14(释义原文片段)和S25(分析原文成分)的影响是显著的,语法隐喻类型和受试类型的交互作用对S7(发现翻译难点)、S8(进行言外判断)和S17(联想)的影响是显著的;(3)词汇层面的语法隐喻比句法层面的语法隐喻容易识别,重组译文(p=0.0190.05)和遵循翻译要求(p=0.0430.05)在翻译词汇层面的语法隐喻时使用更频繁,因为词汇层面的语法隐喻是“显性”的,会明显影响理解,而句法层面的语法隐喻是“隐性”的,需要深层分析逻辑结构;另外,翻译活动不同于写作,译者基本无需决定内容的取舍和分配,因此并不聚焦信息布局;(4)实验组受试可以通过释义原文片段、分析原文成分把握句子结构,产出自然灵活的译文,而控制组则难以摆脱原文本的束缚;另外,识别和理解语法隐喻是一次信息加工,在两种语言之间转换则是信息的又一次加工,语法隐喻知识背景指导受试进行正确的信息加工,因而实验组对原文的理解更充分、更到位,在翻译时也更加“经济实惠”;(5)语法隐喻类型和受试类型的交互作用在发现翻译难点、进行言外判断和联想时表现显著,其中不同语法隐喻类型帮助实验组更加准确地理解并辨别翻译难点,但是却阻碍控制组受试完成翻译任务,因为缺少理论指导的控制组往往会过度依靠毫无根据的言外判断和联想。本研究是一项基于语法隐喻理论探索的实证性研究,旨在深入认识并探讨语法隐喻现象的有效翻译策略,指导翻译实践,提升翻译水平和质量。
[Abstract]:Based on the grammatical metaphor phenomenon, this study uses Translog software to record all the data in the process of translation generation of 26 third-year graduate students majoring in translation. Combined with the post-translational reflexive reportage, TAPU Think-aloud protocols focuses on the translation strategies used by the subjects in grammatical metaphor translation. The study used 2x2's mixed factor experiment, in which the types of metaphor (including lexical metaphor and syntactic metaphor) were the variables within the subjects, and the types of the subjects (including those with or without metaphorical background) were inter-subjects. The dependent variable is a translation strategy. The purpose of this study is to test whether there are differences in the choice of translation strategies between subjects with or without metaphorical knowledge and different grammatical metaphor types. The results show that the grammatical metaphor at the lexical level is easier than the grammatical metaphor at the syntactic level. Different types of grammatical metaphors have a significant effect on the total user event (0.0150.05) and text production (0.0000.05). However, cognitive processing used at the lexical level is not necessarily less than the processing at the syntactic level.) not all translation strategies are influenced by grammatical metaphor types and experimental subjects' types. The effects of grammatical metaphor types on S7 (recombination translation) and S13 (conforming to translation requirements) were significant, and the effects of subjects' types on S14 (paraphrase) and S25 (analysis of original text components) were significant. The interaction between grammatical metaphor types and subjects' types has a significant effect on S7 (finding that translation is difficult to judge beyond words) and S17 (associating) grammatical metaphors at the lexical level are easier to recognize than grammatical metaphors at the syntactic level. Recombined translation / and / or / In addition, translation activities are different from writing. Translators do not need to decide on the choice and distribution of content, so they do not focus on the layout of information. The analysis of the components of the original text grasps the sentence structure and produces a natural and flexible translation, while the control group is difficult to get rid of the bondage of the original text. In addition, the recognition and understanding of grammatical metaphors is a process of information processing. The transformation between the two languages is another processing of information. The grammatical metaphor knowledge background instructs the subjects to correctly process the information, so that the experimental group has a better understanding of the original text. The interaction between grammatical metaphor types and subjects' types is also more economical in translation. The interaction between grammatical metaphor types and subjects' types is significant in finding translation difficulties, making extralingual judgment and associating. The different grammatical metaphor types can help the experimental group to understand and distinguish the translation difficulties more accurately, but hinder the control group from completing the translation task. Control groups that lack theoretical guidance tend to rely too much on baseless extraverbal judgment and association. The present study is an empirical study based on the grammatical metaphor theory, which aims at understanding and exploring the effective translation strategies of grammatical metaphor phenomena, guiding translation practice and improving the translation level and quality.


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