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发布时间:2018-06-19 12:52

  本文选题:《新编实用英语》教材 + 口语内容评价 ; 参考:《闽南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Oral English as an important part of English teaching is a major difficulty in English learning. With the development of higher vocational education in our country, more and more attention has been paid to higher vocational English teaching, especially oral English teaching, and a good oral teaching material must play a great role in improving students' oral ability. In recent years, various versions of higher vocational English textbooks have emerged in the market. Since the publication of New practical English in 2002, scholars have paid close attention to it and made a lot of evaluation studies on it. However, it is found that there is little research on the oral materials of New practical English. This study first reviews the current situation of textbook research at home and abroad, especially the study of New practical English, on the basis of which the oral content of New practical English is taken as the research object. An anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among 36 teachers and 200 students in a vocational college in Fujian Province, and the valid questionnaires were collected. Through internal evaluation and external evaluation, this paper analyzes the oral part of the textbook, at the same time, carries on the teacher interview in view of the problem which is not involved or explained clearly in the questionnaire, thus summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the textbook. Some suggestions are also given to the author and user of the textbook. This study mainly discusses the following questions: 1. Whether the spoken content of New practical English conforms to the basic requirements of English Teaching in higher Vocational Education (trial) > and the contents and requirements of the Curriculum Standard. Whether the choice and arrangement of spoken language content is scientific and reasonable? Whether the spoken language content reflects the vocational nature of higher vocational education. Whether oral content can meet the teaching needs of teachers and students in higher vocational education. The research shows that the writing of spoken English content basically accords with the idea of "basic requirements"; the topic design of oral English is scientific; the professional part of oral English is more professional and the forms of oral activities are abundant; Basically meet the teaching needs of teachers and students in higher vocational colleges. The deficiency lies in: the difficulty of oral English activities is too large; the content of teaching materials reflecting oral learning strategies is relatively less; the setting of oral content of textbooks is not scientific enough to evaluate students; the length of oral English is too long and the task of training is heavy; Spoken language reflects the lack of cultural and educational content and so on. Through the above analysis and evaluation, this study offers the following enlightenment to the textbook writers, teachers and students: 1. The author's enlightenment is to adjust the difficulty of oral language content to meet the needs of higher vocational students; to set up oral warm-up part to facilitate students' pre-study and self-study before class; to supplement relevant contents and cultural and educational contents that embody oral communication strategies; Set up a variety of answers to oral English practice; increase the content of common job English; formulate clear evaluation rules of oral English activities; track the use of teaching materials in colleges and universities, timely feedback the use of teaching materials and make adjustments. 2. The enlightenment of teachers is to strengthen students' awareness of oral communication strategies by using oral materials of teaching materials; to adjust the traditional evaluation methods of oral teaching in combination with the content of spoken materials in textbooks; and to improve teachers' ability of dealing with oral materials scientifically. The inspiration of the students is to actively participate in the oral activities of teaching materials, enhance the confidence of oral learning, improve the methods of oral learning, and make full use of the spoken contents of textbooks to improve the learning efficiency.


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