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发布时间:2018-06-23 19:41

  本文选题:初中 + 英语课外作业 ; 参考:《海南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of the new curriculum reform, English extracurricular homework is receiving more and more attention. Although more and more first-line teachers and scholars join in the discussion of English extracurricular homework, the design of English extracurricular homework in junior high school has not been greatly improved. Based on this situation, the author combines the theory of humanism, the "proximal development zone" and the theory of multiple intelligences on the basis of the relevant research at home and abroad. Taking each unit of the textbook as the unit, the paper designs the extracurricular homework of junior high school English, which includes the content category and the form type of the corresponding correction mode, in order to provide a new way of thinking for the practice of the design of the extracurricular homework in junior high school English. This research is carried out by literature, questionnaire, experimental research and interview. This experiment selects two parallel classes in the first grade of a general middle school in Hainan Province as the experimental objects. Through the pre-test, the experimental class and the control class are determined. The experimental class adopts the extracurricular English homework of the content class and the form class designed by the author. The control class still used the traditional English homework, and compared the results of the two classes before and after the experiment. The results of the questionnaire and interviews were used to examine the effects of the English extracurricular assignments designed by the author on students' English achievement and students' attitude towards doing English extracurricular homework. It is found that the extracurricular English homework designed by the author has a positive effect on students' learning achievement and their attitude towards doing English extracurricular homework. At the same time, the author thinks that this study also has some enlightenment to the design of English homework in junior high school, such as the typical content of the selected homework, the appropriate amount of homework and so on. This study has some guiding effect on the design and correction of English homework in junior high school, but there are still some deficiencies in it, which need to be further improved in the following teaching and research.


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