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发布时间:2018-06-24 17:44

  本文选题:翻译实践 + 军事文本 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a translation practice report, the source text of translation practice is selected from a military research report "cost Analysis of American Air Force overseas garrison" by RAND Corporation, an American think-tank. This translation practice report mainly discusses and studies the translation of military texts from the aspects of professional vocabulary, chart making, sentence processing and so on. The translation practice is non-literary translation. Based on the nature of the translation practice, the translation practice focuses more on the semantic expression of the original text. In the process of translation, the author strives for the readability of the article. I hope to have a better understanding of translation through this translation practice. This practice report divides the translation process into four chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the translation text and its application value, the second chapter is the translation process description, mainly includes the concrete translation preparation and the process, but also includes the glossary formulation; the third chapter is the translation case analysis. The paper summarizes and discusses the choice of word meaning and the translation of acronyms, chart making and text format adjustment, as well as the sentence processing of military text, among which the chart making and sentence processing are the key and difficult points in this translation practice. The author summarizes the problems encountered in the translation practice and looks forward to the future work.


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