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发布时间:2018-06-25 12:02

  本文选题:环球网汽车频道 + 导语编译 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As the largest automobile manufacturer and consumer country in the world, China is in urgent need of understanding the industrial dynamics of the international automobile market, and the English and Chinese compilation of Auto News provides an important way for domestic automobile enthusiasts to understand the international car market. With the guidance of adaptation theory, two major problems encountered in the compilation process of Automotive News Guide are discussed, that is, the differences between Chinese and English news leads and the neglect of the needs of the target language readers. The differences in the writing of Chinese and English news leads are mainly embodied in the structure of the text and the style of writing. In the process of reading expectation and background knowledge, the readers of the Chinese and English auto news appeared the problem of misjudgement and incomplete compilation information in the process of compiling. The emergence of these problems can easily lead to the translation does not conform to the reading habits of the target readers and to be expected, thus affecting the acceptance and dissemination of the translation. On the basis of the problems in the classification translation and the analysis of the reasons, the corresponding solutions are put forward to the different problems. For the problems caused by the difference between Chinese and English news guide writing, the translator can rewrite and adjust the English leads properly according to the structure of the Chinese guide and the writing style of the Chinese website. In order to ignore the needs of the target language readers, the translator can adjust the focus of the automobile news guide and add the relevant background information according to the difference between the value orientation and the background knowledge of the automobile news. The translation workers provide reference and reference.


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