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发布时间:2018-06-27 02:57

  本文选题:隐喻 + 概念隐喻 ; 参考:《广州大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:隐喻在我们的生活中无处不在。Lakoff and Johnson(1980)认为,作为一种日常语言和思维的常见手段,隐喻也是理解自我和认识世界的手段,我们在潜意识中自动就使用它,而且,它往往是不可替代的。语言由形、音、义三大要素组成。其中,外语学习者的词汇能力直接影响其听、说、读、写等各项语言技能的发展。但在高中英语的实际教学中,现行的高中英语教材词汇密度大,复现率低,而且学校和教师面临着高考的压力与急于完成教学任务,学生词汇能力的培养往往会被忽视,学生记忆词汇的方法单一而生硬,效果并不明显。多年来,专家学者一直致力于英语词汇教学的研究,并取得了丰富的成果。二十世纪七十年代,认知语言学家发现了隐喻与语言的密切关系。认为隐喻在词汇习得中的应用能够减低难度,促进理解,发展灵活运用能力。因此词汇学习也离不开隐喻。文献检索显示,结合概念隐喻开展词汇教学的研究,大多限于大学英语教学。在此背景下,本文作者决定大胆尝试在高中的英语词汇教学中,利用隐喻理论指导词汇教学,并采取实验研究的方法,验证以下两个研究问题:(1)通过运用概念隐喻指导词汇教学,是否能提高学生的词汇学习能力?(2)如果可以,会对哪方面的词汇学习能力的影响更为显著?针对以上研究问题,本文作者对广州市花都区邝维煜纪念中学高一年级两个平行班共111名学生,进行为期十二周的实验研究。全部学生随机分配在两个班级里,为了实验需要,作者将两个班分为实验班和控制班。研究工具为:测试(前测与后测),调查问卷,面谈。在实验开始之前,对两个班分别做了一次问卷调查,主要了解学生学习英语词汇的现状及词汇学习方法。接着,通过全区摸底考试及Nation的词汇量测试,测量两个班的学生是否拥有同等的英语水平。前测后,由同一名老师,运用同一套教材,对两个班学生采取不同的词汇教学法。在控制组运用传统的词汇教学法,注重词汇的音、形、义,以及词汇在句子和篇章的运用。在实验组输入概念隐喻,运用隐喻概念指导词汇教学,并逐渐使之成为学生内化的词汇学习能力。在完成的十二周的实验研究之后,针对实验前进行的前测,对两个班的学生进行了四次后测,分别是全区的期末统考以及Nation的词汇量测试,目的是在同一方面更好地对比实验组和控制组试验后的差异。在此基础上,为了测试实验后两组学生的词汇学习能力(本文主要研究多义词的理解以及词汇的文化内涵在篇章中的理解)是否有显著性差异,作者增加了两个后测,分别是多义词的理解练习和词汇文化内涵在篇章中的阅读理解训练。同时,为了更好地了解概念隐喻对学生词汇学习有何影响,对实验班的学生进行面谈。后测结果显示,在全区的期末统考中,实验组平均分为101.6,控制组为96.13;在词汇量测试中,实验组与控制组的词汇量都有了提高,但实验组的提高更为显著;在多义词与词汇的文化内涵在篇章中的后测中,实验组的准确率明显比控制组高。各种后测数据表明,基于概念隐喻的词汇教学确实对学生的英语词汇学习有积极影响,并对实际教学有一定的启示,教师若能在多义词和理解词汇文化内涵的教学中,有意识地利用隐喻指导学生发现多义词各种义项的联系和在不同文化内涵中理解词汇,将取得事半功倍的作用。
[Abstract]:Metaphor is everywhere in our life.Lakoff and Johnson (1980). As a common means of daily language and thinking, metaphor is also a means to understand and understand the world. We use it automatically in the subconscious, and it is often irreplaceable. Language consists of three elements, form, sound, and meaning. Among them, foreign languages The learner's vocabulary ability directly affects the development of language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. But in the actual teaching of high school English, the current high school English textbooks have a large vocabulary and low repetition rate, and the school and teachers are facing the pressure of college entrance examination and eager to complete the teaching task, and the cultivation of students' vocabulary ability will often be ignored. For years, experts and scholars have been devoted to the study of English vocabulary teaching and have achieved fruitful results for many years. In 1970s, cognitive linguists found the close relationship between metaphor and language. The application of metaphor in vocabulary acquisition can reduce the difficulty and promote the development of the vocabulary. In this context, the author decides to make bold attempts to guide vocabulary teaching in high school English vocabulary teaching by using metaphor theory and take experiments. The research method is to verify the following two research questions: (1) can the vocabulary learning ability be improved by using conceptual metaphor to improve the students' vocabulary learning ability? (2) if it can, what kind of vocabulary learning ability will be more significant? For the above research questions, the author of this paper is a year of high school in Huadu District, Guangzhou. A total of 111 students in two parallel classes were studied for twelve weeks. All the students were randomly assigned to two classes. For the purpose of the experiment, the author divided the two classes into the experimental class and the control class. The research tools were the test (pre test and post test), the questionnaire, and the interview. Before the experiment started, a questionnaire was made to two classes respectively. The survey, mainly to understand the status of students learning English vocabulary and vocabulary learning methods. Then, through the whole area test and Nation vocabulary test, to measure whether the students of the two classes have the same English level. After the previous test, the same teacher, the same set of teaching materials, the two classes of students take different vocabulary teaching methods. With the use of the traditional vocabulary teaching method, the system focuses on the use of vocabularies, forms, meanings and words in sentences and texts. In the experimental group, the conceptual metaphors are introduced into the experimental group, and the metaphorical concept is used to guide the vocabulary teaching and gradually become an internalized vocabulary learning ability of the students. After twelve weeks of experimental study completed, the pre experiment is conducted before the experiment. Test, two classes of students were tested four times, the final examination of the whole region and the Nation vocabulary test. The purpose was to better compare the differences between the experimental group and the control group on the same aspect. On this basis, to test the vocabulary learning ability of the two groups of students after the experiment (this article mainly studies the understanding of polysemous words. Whether there is a significant difference in the understanding of the cultural connotations in the text, the author adds two posttests, which are the comprehension exercises of polysemy and the reading comprehension training of the Lexical Cultural Connotations in the text. In addition, to better understand the influence of conceptual metaphor on the students' vocabulary learning, the students in the experimental class are interviewed. The test results showed that in the final examination of the whole area, the average of the experimental group was 101.6 and the control group was 96.13. In the vocabulary test, the vocabulary of the experimental group and the control group were all improved, but the improvement of the experimental group was more significant. In the post test of the cultural connotation of polysemy and vocabulary in the text, the accuracy rate of the experimental group was obviously higher than that of the control group. All kinds of posttest data show that the vocabulary teaching based on conceptual metaphor does have a positive impact on students' English vocabulary learning, and has some inspiration for practical teaching. If teachers can teach students in polysemy and understanding the cultural connotations of vocabulary, they consciously use metaphor to guide students to find the connection of various meanings of polysemous words and in different texts. Understanding words in the connotation will get twice the result with half the effort.


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