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发布时间:2018-06-28 10:18

  本文选题:多模态话语 + 奥运会宣传片 ; 参考:《江苏科技大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:多模态话语分析已被广泛的应用到多个领域进行意义的构建。本文旨在研究视觉模态和言语模态是如何在北京2022年冬奥会宣传片中实现再现意义、互动意义和构图意义以及概念功能、人际功能和文本功能;以及在这些视频中视觉模态和言语模态是如何共同构建来实现完整意义的。本研究选取国际奥委会第128届于2015年7月31日在马来西亚吉隆坡全会上中国代表团陈述中播放的视频中的178张图像和25个句子作为研究数据。以韩礼德的系统功能语法、Kress和van Leeuwen的视觉语法、Barthes的图文关系分类为研究框架。采用定量和定性的研究对意义和元语言功能的分布进行了研究,并对每个意义和每个元功能进行具体分析。研究发现主要有以下几点:首先,叙事过程中行为过程、环境过程和言语过程占据的比例最多,这符合了这些视频的运动主题;在概念过程中象征性图象最多,其次是分析性图象,最后是分类型图象,说明在这些视频中出现了大量的关于中国历史文化的元素。在互动意义的接触图像中大量的提供型、个人距离和社会距离与客观态度表明这些视频在提供真实客观的信息以拉近与观众的距离。在构图意义的信息值中中心边缘结构型图象最多,其次是左右结构,最少的是上下结构。由于显著性和信息值息息相关,可见最关键的信息一般是放在图象的中心,其次放在右侧或者上方。在取景过程中各个元素相互连接型图象多于元素分离型图像,表明这些图像中的大多数元素旨在共同来表达一个完整意义的占多数,而各元素分离表达不同意义的占少数。其次,视频中言语模态全部是物质过程、存在过程和行为过程,符合这些视频运动的主题。在人际功能中一般现在时和一般将来时在文本中占绝大多数,说明这些视频中言语模态多数是在描绘已存在的事实和对将来做出的承诺。文本功能中多数言语模态采用的是非标记法来直接传递给观众容易理解的信息,为数不多的标记法的句子在强调一些关于地点的信息。最后,在图文关系研究中几乎一半的视觉模态没有言语模态的支持,在剩下的一半图象中大多数的图文关系有接递、锚定和说明,这说明视觉模态扮演了更为重要的角色,但言语模态在提供更为直接和整合性信息中也是必不可少的。希望本论文可以帮助读者更深层次理解宣传片;为研究者提供一个新的言语模态与视觉模态相结合的研究视角去研究宣传片。
[Abstract]:Multimodal discourse analysis has been widely used in many fields to construct meaning. And how the visual mode and the speech mode are constructed together to achieve the complete meaning in these videos. This study selected 178 images and 25 sentences from the video played by the Chinese delegation at the 128th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on July 31, 2015. The research frame is based on Halliday's systematic functional grammar and van Leeuwen's visual grammar. Quantitative and qualitative studies are used to study the distribution of the functions of meaning and meta-language, and the specific analysis of each meaning and metafunctions is carried out. The main findings of the study are as follows: firstly, in the narrative process, the behavior is the process, the environmental process and the speech process occupy the most proportion, which accords with the motion theme of these videos, and the symbolic image is the most in the conceptual process. The second is analytical image, and the last is classified image, which shows that there are a lot of elements about Chinese history and culture in these videos. In the interactive contact images, a large number of offers, personal distance and social distance and objective attitude show that these videos provide real and objective information in order to close the distance from the audience. The edge structure image of the information center of the composition meaning is the most, followed by the left and right structure, the least is the upper and lower structure. Because the significance is closely related to the information value, the most important information is usually placed in the center of the image, followed by the right side or the top. Secondly, the speech modes in video are all physical processes, existential processes and behavioral processes, which accord with the theme of these video movements. The general present tense and the general future tense account for the majority of the text in the interpersonal function. It shows that most of the speech modes in these videos are depicting the existing facts and the promise to the future. Most of the speech modes in the text function use the non-mark method to convey the information easily understood by the audience directly, and the few tagged sentences emphasize some information about the place. Finally, almost half of the visual modes are not supported by speech modes in the study of graphic and text relations. In the remaining half of the images, most of the graphic and textual relationships are received, anchored and explained, which shows that visual modes play a more important role. But speech modes are also essential in providing more direct and integrated information. It is hoped that this thesis can help readers to understand the propaganda film at a deeper level and provide researchers with a new perspective on the combination of speech mode and visual mode to study the propaganda film.


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