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发布时间:2018-07-03 04:12

  本文选题:奇幻小说 + 目的论 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:奇幻文学是一种新兴的文学体裁,兼具虚拟性、趣味性、传奇性,因而正受到越来越多读者的喜爱和欢迎,正以强劲的势头成就新一轮的文化繁荣。然而由于翻译质量下降,翻译人员素质参差不齐等原因导致优秀奇幻小说的译介在国内并不是很理想,这引起了国内翻译界的关注。本篇翻译报告在目的论的指导下,以拉法叶·罗恩·哈伯德(Lafayette Ronald Hubbard)的小说《变身》(If I Were You)节选(第1页到42页)为翻译项目的原文对奇幻小说的翻译进行了分析。该小说中描写了一种可以让人互换身体的黑魔法在马戏团里所引发的一段荒诞的故事,人物形象生动活泼,语言充满着时代特征和文化特性,具有很强的娱乐性。报告分析了在翻译过程中遇到的问题,包括选词、语境移植以及文化负载词。笔者在翻译过程中,严格遵守目的论的指导,根据目的论提出的翻译的三项原则即目的原则、连贯原则和忠实原则,将目标读者放在首位,从读者的需求出发,使译文能够忠实准确地传达原文的内容和表达。通过此次翻译项目的实践,笔者发现在奇幻小说的翻译中,应灵活地使用各种翻译方法,保持原文的趣味性。对于词语的选择要注重作者的表达方式,可使用增词和保留原文特色词的方法;对于语境,要仔细揣测人物的心理活动和语言特点;对于文化负载词,要结合作者提供的术语表,用目的语相应的词来替代以及注释的方法来解决问题。通过以上各种方法,才能将国外优秀的奇幻文学作品译介到国内,对丰富国内奇幻文学具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:Fantasy literature is a new literary genre, which is fictitious, interesting and legendary, so it is being loved and welcomed by more and more readers, and is achieving a new round of cultural prosperity with strong momentum. However, due to the deterioration of translation quality and the uneven quality of translators, the translation of excellent fantasy novels is not ideal in China, which has aroused the attention of the domestic translation community. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, this paper analyzes the translation of fantasy novels based on the excerpts of Lafayette Ronald Hubbard's novel if I here you (pages 1 to 42). The novel depicts an absurd story caused by the interchangeable dark magic in the circus. The characters are lively and lively, the language is full of the characteristics of the times and culture, and has a strong entertainment. The report analyzes the problems encountered in the process of translation, including word selection, context transplantation and culture-loaded words. In the process of translation, the author strictly obeys the guidance of Skopos theory, according to the three principles of Skopos, namely Skopos principle, coherence principle and faithfulness principle, and puts the target readers in the first place, proceeding from the needs of the readers. So that the translation can faithfully and accurately convey the content and expression of the original text. Through the practice of this translation project, the author finds that in the translation of fantasy novels, various translation methods should be used flexibly to maintain the interest of the original text. For the choice of words, we should pay attention to the expression of the author. We can use the methods of adding words and retaining the original words; for the context, we should carefully guess the psychological activities and linguistic characteristics of the characters; for the culture-loaded words, we should carefully guess the psychological activities and linguistic characteristics of the characters. Combining the glossary provided by the author, the corresponding words in the target language should be substituted and annotated to solve the problem. It is of great significance to enrich the domestic fantasy literature by translating and introducing foreign outstanding fantasy literature works through the above methods.


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