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发布时间:2018-07-09 22:54

  本文选题:英语 + 国际交际 ; 参考:《教育发展研究》2017年20期

[Abstract]:As a language tool for international communication, English is used not only for communication and communication among countries, but also for thinking and problem-solving, as well as for creative writing in English. English is not only the most important subject of foreign language teaching and learning in China, but also widely studied and studied in the world. The main purpose of English teaching in colleges and universities in China is to cultivate college students' English comprehensive competence and communicative competence. In order to adapt to the rapid development of our political, economic and cultural needs. In recent years, there have been many disharmonious factors in foreign language teaching in China, such as the break of ecological chain between teachers, students, teaching materials and teaching methods.
【作者单位】: 西安邮电大学外国语学院;


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