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发布时间:2018-07-14 15:58
【摘要】:本报告是一篇基于对美国历史学家、剧作家、社会评论家霍华德·津恩、罗宾D. G.凯利、戴纳·弗兰克著作《三次罢工》的翻译实践所写的翻译实践报告。霍华德·津恩曾任波士顿大学政治学教授,二十世纪六十年代以来,霍华德·津恩在美国民权、反战活动中相当活跃。他试图从美国下层人民、弱势群体的视角和社会活动挖掘“另类”史料,考察美国的历史和传统。《三次罢工》讲述了关于美国劳工的真实事件:1913年科罗拉多煤矿罢工,以“拉德洛大屠杀”达到高潮。该书在当前学术界和文化、历史领域具有一定的影响力,译者在进行翻译过程中要考虑的因素需要具体而全面,查阅资料范围广泛,翻译有一定的难度。本实践报告将基于笔者翻译实践经验,针对此类文献的翻译技巧等具体问题进行详细阐述和系统归纳,为同类题材的翻译编纂提供实践借鉴,且该书目前在国内尚无翻译译本,所以翻译该书具有重要的意义。本报告首先介绍了本次翻译实践的具体信息以及流程,然后重点讨论了译者在翻译本书的过程中遇到的难点以及针对这些难点所用到的信、达、雅翻译理论以及直译与意译的翻译方法。本篇实践报告共分为三部分。第一部分为介绍,第二部分为论文的主体部分,第三部分为总结部分。主体部分共三章,第一章是对本次翻译任务的描述,主要介绍了《三次罢工》的作者、该书的主要内容、语言特征,以及此次翻译任务的目标。第二章为翻译过程的描述,包括译前准备,翻译过程和译后总结这三个部分。译前准备包括原文的阅读、翻译工具的选择以及其他关于本书信息的搜集等。在准备过程中,笔者对文本进行反复的研读,并对论文相关的翻译理论进行了思考,最终采用从词、句子、文体三方面对论文的翻译方法进行讨论。第三章为翻译案例分析,为本报告的核心部分。此部分主要介绍了一些翻译过程中遇到的具有代表性的案例,结合翻译策略和方法对翻译过程中的具体案例进行分析。最后一部分是对本次翻译实践的总结。整个翻译实践完成后,译者分析了自身存在的问题,并总结了在此次翻译过程中的经验和教训。
[Abstract]:This report is based on a review of American historians, playwrights, and social critics Howard Zine, Robin D. G. The translation practice report written by Kelly, Dana Frank, three strikes. Howard Zine, a former professor of political science at Boston University, has been active in civil rights and anti-war activities in the United States since the 1960 s. He tried to dig into "alternative" historical data from the perspective of the underclass, the disadvantaged and social activities, and to examine the history and traditions of the United States. "three strikes" tells the true story of American labor: the Colorado Coal Mine strike in 1913. Culminating in the Ludlow Massacre. The book has a certain influence in the academic, cultural and historical fields at present. The factors to be considered in the process of translation should be specific and comprehensive, the scope of reference is wide, and it is difficult to translate. Based on the author's practical translation experience, this report will elaborate and systematically summarize the translation techniques of this kind of literature in order to provide practical reference for the translation compilation of similar subjects, and there is no translation version of the book at present in China. Therefore, the translation of the book is of great significance. This report first introduces the specific information and process of this translation practice, and then focuses on the difficulties encountered by the translator in translating the book and the information used to solve these difficulties. The theory of elegant translation and the translation methods of literal and free translation. This report is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction, the second part is the main part of the paper, the third part is the summary part. The main part consists of three chapters. The first chapter describes the translation task, mainly introduces the author of the three strikes, the main content of the book, language characteristics, and the target of the translation task. The second chapter describes the translation process, including three parts: pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation summary. Pre-translation preparation includes the reading of the original text, the choice of translation tools, and the collection of other information about the book. In the process of preparation, the author studies the text repeatedly, ponders the translation theory related to the thesis, and finally discusses the translation methods of the thesis from three aspects: word, sentence and style. The third chapter is the translation case analysis, which is the core part of this report. This part mainly introduces some typical cases in the process of translation, and analyzes the specific cases in the process of translation with translation strategies and methods. The last part is a summary of the translation practice. After the completion of the translation practice, the translator analyzes his own problems and summarizes the experience and lessons in the translation process.


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