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发布时间:2018-07-17 01:06
[Abstract]:According to the teaching conditions of children's English education in our country, the most suitable teaching method or teaching means should accord with the children's psychological characteristics, which can help children's English learning and their physical and mental development. Based on the whole body reaction teaching method proposed by Aschel, an American psychologist, the author aims to study how the whole body teaching method affects children's listening and speaking ability, and how the whole body response teaching method helps children to memorize what they have learned for a long time. And how the whole body reaction teaching method arouses children's interest in English learning. In order to solve the above problems, the author adopts quantitative and empirical research methods. This thesis is based on two classes of an English training institution in Taiyuan. The two groups have similar English learning experience and English proficiency. Through teaching experiments, questionnaires, interviews and tests, the author makes a comparison between the listening and speaking ability, observation and writing ability of the two groups who use the whole body reaction method and the traditional teaching method respectively. The teaching experiment lasted four months. After analyzing the data from the empirical study, we can get the following main results: 1. 1. By comparing with the traditional teaching methods, we find that the whole body reaction teaching method is more effective in improving students' English listening and speaking ability. The whole body reaction teaching method is more effective than the traditional teaching method to help students remember what they have learned. Students can be more active and more interested in learning in the classroom when they are taught in a full-body reaction method. Through the detailed introduction of the theory of systemic reaction teaching method and the analysis results obtained by comparing this method with the traditional teaching method, the results obtained can be of great help to children's English teaching and learning in the future. In addition, the study can help English teachers to choose better teaching methods and make them more effective in the practical children's English teaching.


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