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发布时间:2018-07-22 13:23
[Abstract]:In junior English teaching, language testing, as an extremely important evaluation method, has a great impact on it. In recent years, more and more researchers have begun to pay attention to the backwash effect of English testing on teaching, put forward a lot of theories and viewpoints on the backwash effect, and carried out a lot of empirical research, and try to use these research results to improve the test. However, most of these studies focus on theory, and mainly focus on the college entrance examination, college CET test, IELTS, TOEFL and other large-scale English tests, and there are relatively few studies on the backwash effect of school-based tests related to daily teaching. This study draws lessons from the relevant research results of backwash at home and abroad, combined with teaching practice, and clarifies a research topic: the backwash effect of School-based Test on Junior English Teaching. Two research aspects are identified: the backwash effect of testing on all aspects of teaching and suggestions for improvement of teaching and testing. Put forward two research questions: 1. What is the backwash effect of School-based Test on Teaching in Junior Middle School? Positive or negative effects are greater. 2. What kind of teaching enlightenment can we get from the research results? In this study, 310 students from 3 junior middle schools in Xichang city and 45 teachers from 12 junior middle schools in Sichuan province were taken as the research objects. The data were collected by questionnaire, individual interview and classroom observation. And the questionnaire star network data statistical platform is adopted to explore the backwash effect of school-based testing in junior high school English teaching. According to the relevant data of this study, the school-based test has great influence on junior high school English teaching, and generally speaking, the positive backwash effect is greater than the negative rebuttal effect. Compared with the backwash effect of large-scale examinations, School-based English testing has important advantages, such as more timely feedback, more pertinence, more convenient for teachers and students to check gaps, timely adjustment of teaching, the correction of specific teaching is more obvious. Of course, there are some shortcomings, such as the uneven quality of test papers, the test organization is not strict enough, which may lead to the reduction of backwash effect of the test. Therefore, improving the design, organization and management of school-based test will greatly promote English teaching in junior high school.


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