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发布时间:2018-07-23 10:46
【摘要】:作为中国古典四大名著之一的《红楼梦》,可谓文学史上一朵鲜艳的奇葩,其在书成后的两百年内广受欢迎,影响远播,经久不衰。在国际文化交流日益深入的今天,对《红楼梦》英译本的研究具有划时代的意义,而在红楼梦众多英译本中,杨宪益戴乃迭和霍克斯的版本最受欢迎,最具权威性,所以一经出版便成为国内外学者的研究的焦点。系统功能语法理论认为,隐喻既存在于词汇层面,又存在于语法层面。语法隐喻的应用对交际时人际意义的传递起关键作用,而人际隐喻理论作为语法隐喻的重要组成部分,是实现人际意义的重要手段。人们在言语交际时,选择隐喻式而非一致式对语言进行编码具有一定的语用功能、社会功能和语篇功能。说话者使用人际隐喻能够显示其自身的社会地位,传递与对方的亲疏关系。所以,在鉴赏翻译文本时,对原文人际意义的再现状况是判断译本优劣的重要标准。本文以韩礼德的系统功能语法为理论框架,试图研究以下三个问题:1)《红楼梦》杨宪益译本和霍克斯译本在人际隐喻的翻译上有何异同? 2)产生这些异同的原因有哪些? 3)两译本对原文人际隐喻的再现程度如何?论文首先对《红楼梦》英译本近二十年的研究进行了整体回顾,然后将《红楼梦》中的重要人物平儿的所有对话作为语料,同时采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法对两译本的人际隐喻的翻译进行了对比研究。通过分析发现:1)两译本在对语气隐喻和情态隐喻的应用趋势上大致相同,其中语气隐喻的应用区别不明显,但情态隐喻方面,霍克斯译本的应用数量远超过杨宪益译本;2)产生这样的翻译效果的影响因素有很多,其中,翻译者的知识背景与翻译目的是最不可忽略的部分;3)通过话语分析发现两译本对原文的人际意义的再现程度大致相同,基本忠实于原文,霍克斯译本在人际隐喻上以目标读者为导向,采用了归化的翻译手段,使得译文更加委婉,更便于西方读者理解,而杨译本则以传播中国传统文化为导向,在人际隐喻的处理上更偏向直译,更加注意凸显人物的尖锐个性。本论文丰富了人际隐喻理论研究,也为《红楼梦》译本研究提供了新思路。
[Abstract]:A Dream of Red Mansions, one of the four most famous works in China, is a brilliant flower in the history of literature. Today, with the deepening of international cultural exchanges, the study of the English versions of A Dream of Red Mansions is of epoch-making significance. Among the many English versions of the Dream of Red Mansions, the versions of Yang Xianyi Dainaidi and Hawkes are the most popular and authoritative. Therefore, once published, it has become the focus of scholars at home and abroad. The theory of systemic functional grammar holds that metaphor exists at both lexical and grammatical levels. The application of grammatical metaphor plays a key role in the transmission of interpersonal meaning in communication. As an important part of grammatical metaphor, interpersonal metaphor theory is an important means to realize interpersonal meaning. In verbal communication, the choice of metaphorical rather than coherent encoding of language has certain pragmatic functions, social functions and textual functions. The speaker can show his social status by using interpersonal metaphor and convey his affinity with the other party. Therefore, in appreciating the translated text, the reappearance of the interpersonal meaning of the original text is an important criterion for judging the quality of the translation. This paper takes Halliday's systemic functional grammar as the theoretical framework. Try to study the following three questions: 1) what are the similarities and differences between the Yang Xianyi version and the Hawks version in the translation of interpersonal metaphors? 2) what are the reasons for these similarities and differences? 3) how well does the two versions reproduce the interpersonal metaphors in the original text? The thesis first reviews the study of the English translation of A Dream of Red Mansions in the past 20 years, and then uses all the dialogues of Ping er, an important figure in A Dream of Red Mansions, as language materials. At the same time, a comparative study of interpersonal metaphor translation between the two versions is carried out by means of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. It is found that the two versions have the same trend in the application of mood metaphor and modal metaphor, but there is no obvious difference in the application of modal metaphor, but the application of modal metaphor is similar to that of modal metaphor. There are many factors that influence the effect of Hawkes' translation. The translator's knowledge background and translation purpose are the most important parts. (3) through discourse analysis, it is found that the interpersonal meaning of the original text is approximately the same and the translation is basically faithful to the original text. In terms of interpersonal metaphor, Hawks takes target readers as the target readers and adopts a domesticated translation method, which makes the translation more euphemistic and easier for Western readers to understand, while Yang's version is oriented towards the dissemination of Chinese traditional culture. In the handling of interpersonal metaphors, they are more inclined to literal translation and pay more attention to the sharp personality of the characters. This thesis enriches the theoretical study of interpersonal metaphor and provides new ideas for the study of the translation of A Dream of Red Mansions.


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