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发布时间:2018-07-23 11:10
[Abstract]:With the development of the national "Belt and Road" strategy, as an important industry of the national economy, the mining industry, one of the five pillar industries in Yunnan Province, closely follows the direction of the development of the country. Such enterprises vigorously carry out foreign cooperation and exchanges. From December 2015 to September 2016, a famous mineral processing enterprise in Yunnan began its optimization project one after another. As the interpreter of the optimization project, I follow the project and provide a full range of interpretation services. The optimization project provides a platform for enterprises to introduce foreign advanced technology and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation. As a branch of science and technology English, mineral processing English is a special purpose English of science and engineering, which has high practicability and specialty. The author thinks that the optimization of project interpretation task by mineral processing enterprises has certain practical application value and academic value, and interpretation in this field has certain practical guiding significance. Leskovic's theory of interpretation has wide application value in interpreting practice. Based on the relevant interpretation skills and the interpretation practice, the author summarizes the interpretation process and results, and forms the interpretation report. This interpretation report is divided into two parts: the first part is the interpretation text. The second part is composed of four parts. The first part mainly describes the interpretation task, including the company introduction, the background and significance of the interpretation task. The second section is the interpretation process. The preparatory work of interpreting task and the implementation process of interpreting task are elaborated in detail. The third plate is case study. Combined with an example, this paper analyzes the theory and strategy in the process of interpreting. The fourth plate is a summary of reflection. Finally, through my interpretation practice, the author summarizes the vocabulary and terminology of mineral processing English. It is expected that this report can be used as a reference for the translation practice of the author and related persons in the field of mining.


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