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发布时间:2018-07-27 10:07
[Abstract]:In order to promote tea culture in China, we will study the translation of tea language from the perspective of English. In the process of English translation, we will face many problems, such as language expression, literal translation, misuse of words and so on. Because the tea art language is beautiful and has the cultural background, therefore, the translator needs to have the rich tea art specialized knowledge, can display our country's traditional culture vividly. The language of tea is displayed through performance in order to give viewers physical and mental pleasure. Based on the analysis of the present situation of tea art English in China, this paper discusses its characteristics, and points out the problems to be paid attention to in the translation of tea art English, as well as the ways to realize the translation of tea art language. The final goal is to better complete the translation of tea language.
【作者单位】: 郑州工商学院;


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